BaL 23.04.11 - Rossini: Stabat Mater

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20590

    Originally posted by amateur51
    His treatment of the HIPP-informed version was nothing short of scandalous, similarly the Naxos version - let us make up our own minds, with your guidance, dear Richard, rather than having to take your word for it.
    A fair point, a51, but the force and intolerance of the HIPP brigade has cause much polarisation. Some reviewers dismiss anything that isn't jangly, vibratoless and doesn't sound like someone pressing the "play" button when using computer software.


    • gurnemanz
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 7472

      Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
      Minority Report Alert!!

      His treatment of the HIPP-informed version was nothing short of scandalous, similarly the Naxos version - let us make up our own minds, with your guidance, dear Richard, rather than having to take your word for it.

      Rant over!
      I agree, even if "scandalous" may be somewhat overstating it for the declaring hors de combat of the Creed recording. It is, however, rather strange to dismiss it out of hand. It is, after all the warmly recommended version in the current Gramophone Guide. I also have it as part of the HM Sacred Music box along with the Muti on the Twofer with the Cleobury Petite Messe. The Pappano sounds tempting but I don't think I can justify three recording of this work.


      • Nick Armstrong
        • Nov 2010
        • 26628

        Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
        Minority Report Alert!!

        It was indeed good to hear Richard Osborne again but I fear that for me he has become almost a parody of himself. Oh that schoolmasterly learning, worn like chain mail and delivered with a clunking fist. "As the King says in Hamlet ...'' If we trimmed out the excess fat I doubt there was more than a 30 minute programme there.

        His treatment of the HIPP-informed version was nothing short of scandalous, similarly the Naxos version - let us make up our own minds, with your guidance, dear Richard, rather than having to take your word for it.

        Rant over!
        Ams you enunciate a large part of how I felt - but another part also enjoys a bit of old school sometimes, and that was fun. The big problem was that the piece in question is so very far from anything I would dream of buying - I was once taken to a performance, I had to leave, it was annoying me so much - that I didn't really care what he was saying. That sort of operatic religiosity leaves me worse than cold, it makes me want to break things....
        "...the isle is full of noises,
        Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
        Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
        Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


        • Eine Alpensinfonie
          • Nov 2010
          • 20590

          Originally posted by Caliban View Post
          That sort of operatic religiosity leaves me worse than cold, it makes me want to break things....
          Do you fell the same way about Verdi's Requiem?


          • amateur51

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            it makes me want to break things....
            That phrase, next to your footer "The isle is full of noises..."[/QUOTE] led my sad little mind to alight on 'wind'


            • MickyD
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 4943

              Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
              I agree, even if "scandalous" may be somewhat overstating it for the declaring hors de combat of the Creed recording. It is, however, rather strange to dismiss it out of hand. It is, after all the warmly recommended version in the current Gramophone Guide. I also have it as part of the HM Sacred Music box along with the Muti on the Twofer with the Cleobury Petite Messe. The Pappano sounds tempting but I don't think I can justify three recording of this work.
              Dismiss it out of hand he most certainly did, within seconds! But did I hear him say that he had discarded it largely because of the soloists, whom he didn't think came up to scratch? I will have to play the disc again to hear for myself, but it's interesting to learn that the Creed disc was considered good enough to get top marks in the Gramophone guide - it surely merits more consideration than what it received this morning.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                That phrase, next to your footer "The isle is full of noises..."led my sad little mind to alight on 'wind'

                From the infamous, painfully funny and totally non-PC director Mel Brooks and his film "Blazing Saddles". This is actually the first movie fart scene ever!!...

                Candygram for Mongo:

                PS Alps - more or less the same about Verdi's Requiem... The Dies Irae is terrific but sadly so over-exposed in recent years.
                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • amateur51

                  Originally posted by MickyD View Post
                  Dismiss it out of hand he most certainly did, within seconds! But did I hear him say that he had discarded it largely because of the soloists, whom he didn't think came up to scratch?
                  That was his sole unsubstantiated criterion, MickyD


                  • Curalach

                    Anyone interested in the Pappano recording might like to know that the "River People" have it at £6.22 post free. Remarkable value!


                    • Don Petter

                      Thinking about it, I don't really treat BaL as the name would suggest. I have more recordings than I can ever hope to hear, and I am quite happy with the one I have for this work (Fricsay). I think of it as an interesting discourse on musical performances, which ineviably reflects the preferences and prejudices of the presenter. I won't be going out to buy the Pappano and wouldn't have minded if my favourite had been the Creed. After all, by definition, the programme must be subjective.

                      This is not meant to devalue the negative thoughts expressed above, but do others feel that finding a 'winner' is not necessarily that important?


                      • Curalach

                        Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                        do others feel that finding a 'winner' is not necessarily that important?
                        I always treat it as one person's opinion and don't get upset if my favoured recording doesn't make it, or even gets ignored. I quite like the fact that the format is more flexible than it used to be but I understand that for some this is anathema.


                        • Eine Alpensinfonie
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 20590

                          To relate to another thread, perhaps "first past the post" is not so important. We may all wish to cast our alternative votes.


                          • formbyman
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 25

                            The Pappano recording is now on Amazon at £5.47 post free, have just ordered it.


                            • amateur51

                              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                              Thinking about it, I don't really treat BaL as the name would suggest. I have more recordings than I can ever hope to hear, and I am quite happy with the one I have for this work (Fricsay). I think of it as an interesting discourse on musical performances, which ineviably reflects the preferences and prejudices of the presenter. I won't be going out to buy the Pappano and wouldn't have minded if my favourite had been the Creed. After all, by definition, the programme must be subjective.

                              This is not meant to devalue the negative thoughts expressed above, but do others feel that finding a 'winner' is not necessarily that important?
                              Beautifully expressed, Don. I'm going to buy the Fricsay


                              • Don Petter

                                Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                                I'm going to buy the Fricsay

                                I do hope you'll like it! (I'm always wary about forcing my taste onto others. If you don't, you'd better PM me with the invoice. )

