I think I learned these pieces through recordings conducted by Karl Ristenpart. My current choices are Suzuki and Hogwood but I wish I still had the Ristenpart.
BaL 6.12.14 - Bach: 4 Orchestral Suites (BWV 1066-69)
Originally posted by richardfinegold View PostI think I learned these pieces through recordings conducted by Karl Ristenpart. My current choices are Suzuki and Hogwood but I wish I still had the Ristenpart.
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostI don't think you can ever say that. With music of this calibre, you can't get too many views of it.
Originally posted by MickyD View PostI'd be interested to hear if anyone has the Concerto Koln set and what they think of it...I usually love everything that they do.
Black Swan
I will be listening with anticipation. I only have 1 recording a Musical Heritage Society set with John Elliot Gardiner and the English Baroque Soloists. Recordedin 1982. Evidently, the recording was licensed from ERATO.
Originally posted by clive heath View PostThe First Suite has been on my site for several years and as I have the album of Suites 3 and 4 from the Busch Ensemble this seems a good time to process them.
http://www.cliveheathmusic.co.uk/transcriptions_07.php- as ever, Clive, you deserve a medal for your efforts. Many thanks.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
clive heath