Originally posted by verismissimo
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Building a Library - General Discussion
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostOr perhaps a good BaL is one in which the presenter gives a balanced argument rather than simply bulk-dismissing by personal prejudice."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
i like the BAl where i learn most about the music from the general account and discussion of the excerpts ... i am not too fussed about which is 'best' and very often the very best BALs are taking me into music i do not know ... i have to say that BAL is one of the best radio features in the known universe .... and please do not suggest messing with the BAL format merely because you now know how to shop for yourself ....
I listen rarely nowadays and think that the enormous number of recordings out there (witness yesterday's Mozart 'Jupiter') makes a library choice redundant. The format has run its course in my opinion.According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Yes, fhgBut, on a more serious note, I don't feel it's run its course. For me, I very much value it, both as an introduction to pieces I don't know (Ariadne aN), and as a reminder that I don't know certain pieces as well as I thought I did (Schubert D958). In the case of the Strauss, the cheapo Sinopoli on Brilliant was an obvious purchase; for the Schubert, it made me listen again to the few versions I've already got (and also to book tickets for Paul Lewis at St G Bristol in September).
I missed most of Cotton on Sat morning (the farmers' market was calling...), but I'll certainly catch it on the iP. From the sound of the other thread's discussions, it sounds as if I'll find it a good BaL!
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostA good BaL is one in which the presenter gives a balanced argument that accords with my own opinions and prejudices. A bad BaL is one in which the presenter displays personal prejudic by bulk-dismissal of my favourite recordings.
For me its been a good BaL if I emerge full of renewed enthusiasm for a piece, regardless of the version(s)
It's more difficult to assess exactly how this may or may not happen.
The degree of self regard in the reviewer is almost certainly something to do with it in my experience.
I rather share EA's opinion of yesterday's effort.
Richard Tarleton
I prefer the ones which include a measure of expert technical deconstruction, such as you get from the likes of David Owen-Norris and Tess Knighton (to name but two), to the overuse of non-technical subjective adjectives and unsubstantiated opinions.