Mozart: The Symphonies (19cd): AAM Hogwood: €20.45,
Originally posted by hafod View PostBeethoven - Complete Masterpieces (60cd). Just over 19 quid new from Marketplace sellers.
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostAt this price it might be rude to refuse. One reviewer provided a list of works -
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostA very useful link to the List of works - many thanks, Dave. (Too many duplications for me.)
But ...
... none of his Lieder? (I can see the British Isles folk songs arrangements - but nothing else for voice & piano.)
Anything missing clearly isn't a masterpiece, as the box helpfully suggests......Last edited by teamsaint; 15-10-15, 19:07.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
I passed over that one several times before in shops, when it cost considerably more. I have some (all) of Zinman's symphonies already (inherited from elsewhere) - but there must be other material which is worth checking out to justify the cost - as Bryn says - at that price a no brainer. Only possible snag is it now increases the chances of further duplication if I ever get round to the Zinman box - which I think has some decent Mahler recordings.
On the other hand, if we are all to become criminals for having duplicated "back up" copies for use in cars and other locations, then maybe having a genuine duplicate set of some pieces is not such a bad thing.Just think - stop and search could apply to cars fitted with those CD players which automatically back up the discs to hard drive or flash memory! OK - I know not really - as "only" a civil offence.
Originally posted by Bryn View PostQuite so, which is why the box includes Wellingtons Sieg.
Anyway,I would be interested in views on the Yokayama performances of the Piano Sonatas, ( the "set "is mostly but most exclusively him), which I couldn't raise much interest in discussing elsewhere on the board.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by teamsaint View PostShould have been given the boot?
Anyway,I would be interested in views on the Yokayama performances of the Piano Sonatas, ( the "set "is mostly but most exclusively him), which I couldn't raise much interest in discussing elsewhere on the board.
Do you have the Zinman symphonies already? If not I'd have said a few years ago that it would almost have been worth it for those alone. OTOH, it's possible to get any number of very decent Beethoven symphony sets these days for under £15 - maybe even under £10. So you'd have to justify about £10-15's worth for the remaining 55 or so CDs.
Re the piano sonatas they're not only by Yokayama but also by Charles Rosen, Vladimir Horowitz, Justus Frantz, Gerhard Oppitz, Robert Casadesus. Some of those guys have/had form!
There's also Pinchas Zukerman in the violin sonatas - though I don't know his accompanist - George Neikrug.
Anner Bylsma/Jos van Immerseel in the cello sonatas can't be bad, can they? Though I might just have them in another set. I'm also "suspicious" about Ormandy's version of the Mount of Olives thing - not because I think it's bad, but because I think it appeared in another "good value" Sony box a year or two back, so duplication.
Originally posted by Dave2002 View PostAnner Bylsma/Jos van Immerseel in the cello sonatas can't be bad, can they?
The String Trios are brilliant performances, too.
Any opinions on the Piano Trios? (Period or modern instruments, f'rinstance.)[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
well, answers to and opinions about lots of the above just went west as the intenet conked out for a bit.
so, again....briefly..
The Seraphin Trio don't use period keyboard instruments .
Zukerman Sonatas. Lovely. his performance of No 10 is special , just listened to the first movement, the end is quite stunning.
The set gave me a good chance to listen to the Zinman. which was an interesting experience.
The Alexanders SQ are well worth having.
and the Piano Sonatas are an interesting mix . I enjoyed some of the Yokoyama recordings for what it is worth.I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.
I am not a number, I am a free man.
Originally posted by teamsaint View Postnothing I can see in my box Liederwise, other than the British Isles CD.
Anything missing clearly isn't a masterpiece, as the box helpfully suggests......