I have a large quantity of zarzuela and operetta CDs which belonged to a neighbour. The default position is to take them to the local charity shop, but a good home would be preferable. Please PM me if you're interested, and I'll endeavour to make a list. (Collection only, please: Macclesfield / Buxton area. No charge, but I would encourage voluntary donations to RNIB.)
Zarzuela and Operetta CDs Needing a Good Home
Instructive to look up the exact meaning of zarzuela ((albeit a quick shufti at Wikipedia). I presume these are the Romantic variety, so akin to operetta? Fancy having a whole collection …
Had to google 'instrument blow football match loud' to discover I was thinking of vuvuzelaIt isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Definitely the romantic (not baroque) variety; effectively Spanish operetta: not quite my cup of tea. There's quite a collection - I know he scoured all known sources, but I suspect that not all those listed on the Wikipedia page are included! I think there are some audio cassette tapes as well .....