There is a risk of a rose tinted ear trumpet listening to a record like this . Made in March 2013 but Abbado now gone and the Orchestra Mozart apparently moribund if not defunct .
So far - K503 - a wonderful musical conversation . Argerich has fined down her playing exquisitely ( great to hear the Gulda cadenza) and so much can be heard in the orchestra . Literally takes your breath away .Elysium .
K466 is equally marvellous . There is an improvisatory quality to her playing ( in what was always apparently one of her particular favourites back in the 1960s) that is quite spellbinding. I tried to have this record on when I was doing some work . No chance - the work has had to wait an hour .
So far - K503 - a wonderful musical conversation . Argerich has fined down her playing exquisitely ( great to hear the Gulda cadenza) and so much can be heard in the orchestra . Literally takes your breath away .Elysium .
K466 is equally marvellous . There is an improvisatory quality to her playing ( in what was always apparently one of her particular favourites back in the 1960s) that is quite spellbinding. I tried to have this record on when I was doing some work . No chance - the work has had to wait an hour .