Just a quick heads-up that the July issue of IRR which landed on the doormat today is 104 pages, its longest since I've subscribed/ written for it. I did a quick tally of reviews compared to the August(!) issue of Gramophone:
IRR: 102 individual reviews, + 5 book reviews, + 11 pages of round-up/ reissues articles over 77 pages
Gramophone: 91 reviews + 1 book review + 3 pages of reissues over 38 pages
Also, 8 pages of New Release listings in IRR; 2 in Gramophone.
Time to catch up with some reading now...
IRR: 102 individual reviews, + 5 book reviews, + 11 pages of round-up/ reissues articles over 77 pages
Gramophone: 91 reviews + 1 book review + 3 pages of reissues over 38 pages
Also, 8 pages of New Release listings in IRR; 2 in Gramophone.
Time to catch up with some reading now...