A thread to discuss recordings old and new of HP.
I know some of his works (Dido & Aeneas (Hogwood/AAM), Funeral Music for Queen Mary(Gardiner)) but spent this morning listening to songs and the Ode to St. Cecilia.
In some songs, such as 'O, Solitude', I found the counter-tenor Gerard Lesne to be more to my taste than the soprano Emma Kirkby, though in others like 'Sweeter than Roses' I preferred the latter.
O, Solitude collection (Naive) for £8.75 at Presto and streamable here: http://player.qobuz.com/#!/album/0822189000592
Ode to St. Cecilia is new to me, and I was struck by how modern the music sounds (sections such as 'Soul of the World', 'Thou tun'st this world') I listened to Mccreesh/Gabrieli Consort & Players, their singing being much easier on the ear than that of Marc Minkowski's ensemble.
Could someone tell me why on some versions of The Plaint from The Fairy Queen there is a wind instrument obbligato, on others a stringed instrument (Gardiner).
I know some of his works (Dido & Aeneas (Hogwood/AAM), Funeral Music for Queen Mary(Gardiner)) but spent this morning listening to songs and the Ode to St. Cecilia.
In some songs, such as 'O, Solitude', I found the counter-tenor Gerard Lesne to be more to my taste than the soprano Emma Kirkby, though in others like 'Sweeter than Roses' I preferred the latter.
O, Solitude collection (Naive) for £8.75 at Presto and streamable here: http://player.qobuz.com/#!/album/0822189000592
Ode to St. Cecilia is new to me, and I was struck by how modern the music sounds (sections such as 'Soul of the World', 'Thou tun'st this world') I listened to Mccreesh/Gabrieli Consort & Players, their singing being much easier on the ear than that of Marc Minkowski's ensemble.
Could someone tell me why on some versions of The Plaint from The Fairy Queen there is a wind instrument obbligato, on others a stringed instrument (Gardiner).