If you had £X what ... would you buy?
Originally posted by Caliban View PostDuring my first decade or two working in London, Tower Records at Piccadilly Circus was always tempting after an evening out during the week, as it closed at midnight. On a number of occasions, I wound up browsing there after an evening in a pub in the West End, and the moderate consumption of alcohol would stimulate one's tendency to purchase
There was one evening when I had had rather too much to drink (it was rare!) and I had two isolated recollections of the journey home: (1) being in Tower (2) unwrapping a bossa nova CD back home in the kitchen... No memory at all of choosing it, or why, or purchasing it (I had done - there was a receipt!)
- my outstanding purchase was a boxed set of The Bonzo Dog Doodah Band
... I seem to remember that Tower Records had the irritating habit of classifying their operas by title rather than composer. I think their argument was that punters might have heard of la Traviata without knowing it was by Verdi, of Madama Butterfly without knowing it was Puccini. At that time I was obsessed with the operas of Rameau and Gluck - o the irritation of having to scamper around the shelves looking for Hippolyte or Castor or Zoroastre, Iphigenie or Alceste - with always the fear that one had missed out a work...
[ I think this comes under Thropplenoggin's recently promulgated list of "Middle Class Worries" ... ]
EDIT - I find that Thropplenoggin's term is "First World Problems"
Originally posted by Thropplenoggin View PostI believe this sort of agony is now classed as a First World Problem.
Another example might be: "I feel guilty drinking this bottle of Cheval Blanc '56 all by myself."
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostJust at this moment it would be
Originally posted by AmpH View PostThere are numerous box sets I wish I had bought at the time they were issued. The complete Walton edition on Chandos is one of them, but even if I had the money at this price it would still have to be a used edition !
Er ... upwards, going up to £20/cd! Used!
Dosn"t look as though Lauren has/had the answer either - http://laurensteeper.blogspot.co.uk/...1_archive.html
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post... the apparently unending series of the keyboard works of CPE Bach on bis by Miklós Spányi .
The individual CDs are not cheap, and I have decided not to invest - hoping there might ultimately be some big bargain box. But if funds were limitless..
Originally posted by MickyD View PostThis has been mentioned before, but just in case anyone doesn't know, the BIS website allows you to listen to whole discs from their catalogue. I'm currently working my way through the Spanyi/CPE Bach concertos, many of which I've never heard before. My goodness, that man wrote some wonderful music.It loved to happen. -- Marcus Aurelius