I've used Devolo network over powerline units for some years now. At least 4 Computers in the house, Virgin fibre broadband. I went for the, then, best possible - "200mbs" units (max, as ever, less in practice) and it has worked with no flaws, but I haven't used it for anything other than internet (so no streaming of audio or video/TV) - no time to get embroiled (yet) in these.
I have an original ring main, which the electrician established was a figure of 8 (rather than 2 rings -upstairs & downstairs) in the 1959 original, he found this when he installed the wiring (2 or 3 more rings) in a large extension and a new consumer unit (its a detached house). No problems with the devolo anywhere - although I presume there can be problematic wiring situations which can't be predicted. The Devolos are more expensive, there are lots of other brands now, but their website has a lot of info and they give good support - including a phone number where a real person answers ! Per the website http://www.devolo.co.uk/consumer/faq....html?l=en#616
BTW, I will install a streaming system - just not sure which (Sonos - expensive; Squeezebox - no longer in production; Apple TV or Airport express seems the best bet - as long as I can use a WindowsPC with iTunes and an iPod touch to stream to the audio system - yet to be certain that is the case). (I'm hoping the latter is possible - I won't be buying costly branded streaming units - the iPod touch is my portable music player and the Apple TV/ Touch come in at about £100 or less each - when all is said and done, they, and any digital units can only deliver 0's and 1's to the DAC).
I have an original ring main, which the electrician established was a figure of 8 (rather than 2 rings -upstairs & downstairs) in the 1959 original, he found this when he installed the wiring (2 or 3 more rings) in a large extension and a new consumer unit (its a detached house). No problems with the devolo anywhere - although I presume there can be problematic wiring situations which can't be predicted. The Devolos are more expensive, there are lots of other brands now, but their website has a lot of info and they give good support - including a phone number where a real person answers ! Per the website http://www.devolo.co.uk/consumer/faq....html?l=en#616
Will the devolo solution work if the devolo adapters are on different electrical circuits in the house?
Yes. So long as there is only one electricity meter for the house, then devolo adapters generally can be plugged into any of the sockets related to the house."
Yes. So long as there is only one electricity meter for the house, then devolo adapters generally can be plugged into any of the sockets related to the house."
BTW, I will install a streaming system - just not sure which (Sonos - expensive; Squeezebox - no longer in production; Apple TV or Airport express seems the best bet - as long as I can use a WindowsPC with iTunes and an iPod touch to stream to the audio system - yet to be certain that is the case). (I'm hoping the latter is possible - I won't be buying costly branded streaming units - the iPod touch is my portable music player and the Apple TV/ Touch come in at about £100 or less each - when all is said and done, they, and any digital units can only deliver 0's and 1's to the DAC).