Carl Nielsen Symphonies

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Thanks for that research, hafod. Duly ordered (new) from Zoverstocks.


    • HighlandDougie
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3146

      [QUOTE=Dave2002;235278 I still wonder if buying some of the now rare CBS/Sony SACDs of recordings by conductors such as Walter, e.g the Brahms symphonies - (was the Dvorak 8 on SACD also?) - would show that the recordings were actually much better than we had thought.[/QUOTE]

      Most definitely - I have recordings by Szell and by Bruno Walter from this series (which, remember, will only play on an SACD machine) - and the sound is a revelation. OK, there's some hiss but the ears quickly get used to it. Sony/Columbia's unfortunately short-lived dip into the "premium" historic re-issue market in the late 1990's (the first series of Masterworks Heritage - in plastic slip-cases with very good documentation - see also showed what careful remastering of these American recordings could achieve. Even with remastering, though, some US-made recordings remain pretty intractable. Even in its expertly remastered SACD incarnation, the Oistrakh Brahms Violin Concerto made for EMI in Cleveland sounds, well, really quite unpleasant at times.


      • Thomas Roth

        The "Carnegie Hall Presents" and the later box with Bernstein/Mahler are the same remixes and remasterings, and they sound much better than ever before. But they are remixed from the original tapes and not only remastered. That is a great difference. Also, they are remixed in multi-channel but only released as such in Japan. Strange decision.


        • jayne lee wilson
          • Jul 2011
          • 10711

          The Mahler set I referred to is indeed the one Hafod picked out as reviewed by Tony Duggan on Musicweb and was originally a limited-edition SACD available only in Japan... "a triumph of the remasterer's art" was my earlier comment...

          Oddly enough Thomas, just about all the (many) remasterings I have, whether on Sony Masters, Toshiba or Decca Legends etc. are explicitly described as "from the original (or master) tapes". Which is why I bought them, and listen to them, with such relish. Which recordings are you referring to where this isn't the case, and what are they remastered from?

          BTW, I've just downloaded the Gilbert/NYPO Nielsen 2&3 as a 24/96 file... might get back later on with a comment or two...


          • Thomas Roth

            Remember the DG series "Galleria"? They sounded dreadful in spite of being "remastered using the original tapes". The Karajan 82 cd set. I would not call it high-fidelity. Original tapes or not, it is in the handling of them you either produce a good sound or not. The recent Deluxe version of the Solti Ring is remastered from the 1997 digital transfer. Decca claim that the original tapes have some damages from over-using.
            The Mahler set you mention have the same remixes and remasterings in the two sets I referred to, except they are only two channel.


            • jayne lee wilson
              • Jul 2011
              • 10711

              Well Thom, in your msg.33 you say that using the original tapes "makes a great difference", so...

              Incidentally David Fanning's Gramophone review of the new da capo Nielsen is very careful and detailed, so don't dismiss it (he does have a distinguished record as a Nielsen scholar) - I'll try to come back on it again, but on the evidence of the 1st movement of Gilbert's 4 Temperaments I think he got it spot-on...


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                Well Thom, in your msg.33 you say that using the original tapes "makes a great difference", so...
                As I read message 33 the point being made was that the original multi-track master recordings had been re-mixed prior to the new digital remastering, rather than simply re-mastering the original mix.


                • Thomas Roth

                  Yes Bryn, that is exactly what I meant. There is a huge difference between remix and remaster.


                  • Thomas Roth

                    Jayne, I haven´t read Fannings review. And please, my name is Thomas, not Thom.


                    • jayne lee wilson
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 10711

                      Hmm. Frosty around here. It seems wiser to keep my thoughts on Gilbert's Nielsen to myself...


                      • roberta

                        Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                        Hmm. Frosty around here. It seems wiser to keep my thoughts on Gilbert's Nielsen to myself...


                        • Barbirollians
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 11943

                          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                          Hmm. Frosty around here. It seems wiser to keep my thoughts on Gilbert's Nielsen to myself...
                          I want to hear them !


                          • richardfinegold
                            Full Member
                            • Sep 2012
                            • 7859

                            Originally posted by Thomas Roth View Post
                            The "Carnegie Hall Presents" and the later box with Bernstein/Mahler are the same remixes and remasterings, and they sound much better than ever before. But they are remixed from the original tapes and not only remastered. That is a great difference. Also, they are remixed in multi-channel but only released as such in Japan. Strange decision.

                            I was referring to the "Carnegie Hall presents" version when I referred to the "boxed set": if there has been a still later reissue of the recording I was unaware of it.
                            Thomas, could you please explain the difference between "remix" and "remaster"?


                            • BBMmk2
                              Late Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20908

                              Originally posted by roberta View Post
                              I think this is the first 'lol!', that is mentioned on these boards!!

                              Has Gilbert(?) Nielsen's symphonies become a target for Frosty the Snowman!?!?!?!
                              Don’t cry for me
                              I go where music was born

                              J S Bach 1685-1750


                              • richardfinegold
                                Full Member
                                • Sep 2012
                                • 7859

                                Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                                Hmm. Frosty around here. It seems wiser to keep my thoughts on Gilbert's Nielsen to myself...
                                Thanks for alerting me to this recording, Jayne.

