It's that time of the week again when I try to plug a gap in my burgeoning library with a work I've just discovered.
Last night, I was watching a repeat of the evergreen 'Inspector Morse' in which 'Laudate Dominum' featured heavily. The reason I added the Coronation Mass is because they are so frequently paired on discs and I don't own that either, so I'd welcome suggestions for both.
I saw that BaL haven't covered this yet. So far, my research on Spotify has brought up a rather modern HIP disc with Martin Pearlman at the helm. I also saw that BaL haven't covered this yet. Koopman has an old disc covering both, though it's not on Spotify/YouTube, so I haven't sampled that.
I'm probably more inclined towards something HIP-ish and well-recorded though if there's a recording out there as extraordinary as Ferenc Fricsay's 'Grosse Messe' with Stader's mellifluous pipes blasting away, I could be tempted by that
I look forward to reading your suggestions.
Last night, I was watching a repeat of the evergreen 'Inspector Morse' in which 'Laudate Dominum' featured heavily. The reason I added the Coronation Mass is because they are so frequently paired on discs and I don't own that either, so I'd welcome suggestions for both.
I saw that BaL haven't covered this yet. So far, my research on Spotify has brought up a rather modern HIP disc with Martin Pearlman at the helm. I also saw that BaL haven't covered this yet. Koopman has an old disc covering both, though it's not on Spotify/YouTube, so I haven't sampled that.
I'm probably more inclined towards something HIP-ish and well-recorded though if there's a recording out there as extraordinary as Ferenc Fricsay's 'Grosse Messe' with Stader's mellifluous pipes blasting away, I could be tempted by that
I look forward to reading your suggestions.