I found myself unimpressed by this 'chat' between Gill and McGregor. I do wish there was some healthy disagreement occasionally in these sessions! I found much to disagree with. Gill kept banging on about professional versus amateur choirs. If we buy a CD which has been commercially produced and marketed, I don't think our constant worry is the employment status of the performers. And in the world of choirs (uniquely?) so-called amateurs can often, IMO, give the pros a run for their money. Gill seemed to suggest the Beeb Singers' soprano line was something all the others failed to live up to. Hmm. I think I'll wait for a CD of RRB's wonderful stuff done by one of our other choirs of whatever stripe. Although snippets are all that are possible in an overview of new releases, I'm certainly tempted by the very enterprising disc of Rutter's more cerebral choral works by Tewkesbury's Schola.
Caroline Gill on choral music