Pronunciation quibble

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Yes, but you don't count as an English person, even if you do live in Willesden Green! Your ears are properly attuned to the sound. But you're hearing a sound that English ears aren't accustomed to which is why they 'hear' (in quotes) a 'cl' - or 'thl' - sound.

    There's an ethnological point: I read about certain tribes who had no experience of pictures - flat representations - and couldn't 'see' what a photograph [I]represented.
    I'm thrilled that, as an arbiter of nationality, french frank you say that I'm not an English person.

    There is simply no way that even an English person could 'hear' a 'c' in 'll' in the two syllables of 'llyfrgell' (pronunciation attached)

    The correct method of producing the authentic 'll' sound has already been given in EA's msg #73. Anything else is a fudge, pure and simple. English people who sneer and giggle when they hear another person mispronounce the French 'u' or German ü are for some reason quite content to affect 'cl' for 'll'. There's no call for it.


    • gurnemanz
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 7417

      Originally posted by Nachtigall View Post
      I've come late to this thread but I'm certainly one of those who have always found the prevalent mispronunciation of 'Giovanni' as a 4-syllable word with a long 'a' sound extremely tiresome.
      A true pedant would also insist on the double consonant being pronounced as such i.e. "an-ni" as with "tut-te" in the Mozart opera.
      I found this clarification online.
      "Quanti anni hai?—How old are you? sounds like an innocent question posed by someone just learning the Italian language. But it can be a real conversation stopper, leading to guffaws, laughter, and embarrassment, when mispronounced. That's because many beginners pronounce anni (years) as ani (anuses)"


      • rachfan

        Hello all. I have been away from the R3 boards since the blessed Beeb threw us all out. I am pleased to return and to discover that there is still so much entertaining froth! I must pop in more often.


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30526

          Originally posted by rachfan View Post
          Hello all. I have been away from the R3 boards since the blessed Beeb threw us all out. I am pleased to return and to discover that there is still so much entertaining froth! I must pop in more often.
          Entertaining froth!!! Well, there does seem to be as much 'variety' as the old boards - same old, same old ...

          Welcome back.
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
            Gone fishin'
            • Sep 2011
            • 30163

            Yes; welcome back indeed, rachfan!
            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


            • amateur51

              Welcome back indeed, rachfan.

