Originally posted by Roehre
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However there is some interesting material that is unofficial and/or hard-to-find. For example there are live Carlos Kleiber discs that - for me at least - trump the better-known DG versions of the same works. However finding them can involve good luck and/or silly money.
Even amongst official material it's hard for smaller labels to get noticed. For example, I and others find Jochum's 1986 RCO Bruckner 5 on Tahrato be one of THE great Bruckner recordings but it's much less well known than Bruckner recordings from Karajan/DG, Bohm/Decca etc.
And then even on the "major" labels, there are Cinderella recordings - for example the Jochum/LPO and Celi/MPO Brahms cycles on EMI are stunningly good yet not in wide circulation.