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  • Barbirollians
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11988

    Hello everyone

    Weldon conducts Elgar as recommended by salymap on the BBC Forum - and a splendid performance of In The South to start !


    • vinteuil
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 13197

      [QUOTE My only 'problem' with it, as I'd experienced with the complete Bach set I acquired last year, is the slightly uneasy feeling of having within my grasp the life's work of a towering genius, in exchange for such a minuscule measure of my labour.[/QUOTE]


      keralauphon - I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one to have an odd queasy feeling that for a measly few of my pounds I can "possess" the life work of a great, an immortal, creator. I don't know if there is a salve for this - praps one shd pay "the balance" of what might be appropriate to some charity. But what would be "appropriate", measured against what Tallis, Bach etc have given us? ...


      • Cellini

        Originally posted by johnb View Post

        What are your thoughts about the Elias performances? I seem to remember they were highly praised and they piqued my fancy at the time. (Never got round to doing anything about it though.)
        I think the playing is pretty good, I could be a bit critical here and there, but I'm really quite impressed.

        I was at the Royal Academy of Musak today for a Skampa Quartet masterclass, and the first quartet who played Mendelssohn No 2 A minor Op 13 were pretty good, and the two violinists from the SQ thought so too. But the next quartet I'm afraid were not in anyway near as good (playing Beethoven Op 18 No3 in D) so I left early.

        Excellent masterclass and the second fiddle of the Skampa came in on crutches. She had fallen over and almost broken her leg. They normally play standing up but are having to sit down for the moment. I nearly asked her if she was drunk when she fell over but thought better of it! (It was my first question once of a conductor with arm in sling ...) I'm slightly more diplomatic now, but only slightly ...


        • Norfolk Born

          Colin Matthews: Divertimento for Double String Quartet and other works
          John Woolrich: Viola Concerto, Oboe Concerto and other works
          Robin Holloway: Violin and Horn Concertos
          (All NMC 'Ancora' CDs discounted for 1 day by Europadisc)


          • Stanley Stewart
            Late Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1071

            Mahler, Sym 4, on Signum Classics, ordered last Sunday from hmv and arrived today, Thursday, a snip at


            • Stanley Stewart
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1071

              As I was saying before the textual "snip" above. Mahler, Sym 4, on Signum Classics, ordered from hmv, last Sunday, arrived today, Thursday, a snip at


              • Stanley Stewart
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1071

                I don't believe it!!! Will try again - later. Apologies.


                • Don Petter

                  Originally posted by Stanley Stewart View Post
                  I don't believe it!!! Will try again - later. Apologies.
                  It's not your fault and you're not alone - I've been trying to post a complete message to this thread since this time yesterday without success!


                  • Eine Alpensinfonie
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20590

                    Last week, I bought volumes 1, 2 & 4 of the Decca Britten Conducts Britten series, having previously dipped my toe into the water with volume 3. That makes a total of 35 CDs, but I've been considering also the EMI Collector's 37 CD box from EMI. Can anyone recommend this. I'm interested, as there are many works not included in the Decca series.


                    • Eine Alpensinfonie
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 20590

                      Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
                      Weldon conducts Elgar as recommended by salymap on the BBC Forum
                      Ah, George Weldon: the conductor of the first few concerts I ever attended. These were Halle Industrial Concerts in 1960. It's a pity there aren't more Weldon recordings.


                      • Hitch
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 407

                        Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No. 2 - Jeno Jando, Budapest S.O., Naxos.

                        A charity shop purchase. Don't look at me like that - it crooked its finger.

                        (Incidentally, there's still a problem with the forum software. Add an accent and the post gets automatically truncated.)
                        Last edited by Hitch; 25-11-10, 21:05.


                        • Don Petter

                          Let's have one more go at posting before I go to bed:-

                          My most recent CD is (Hyperion)

                          [Edited afterwards]

                          Well, I thought I might have cracked it by transfering my text from Word to plain old notepad before cutting and pasting it into the posting box from there. Obviously this is not the problem. It shouldn't be anyway, as I've always spell-checked texts of any length in Word before posting to othermessageboards without any trouble. So I'm still puzzled.

                          It does seem that text directly typed into this posting box is accepted without demur, but pasted text never gets past the first few words. Any ideas from web site gurus?

                          And no - there were no accents in my text (before anyone asks.)
                          Last edited by Guest; 25-11-10, 21:48. Reason: Blasted text got truncated again!


                          • johnb
                            Full Member
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 2903

                            Don, you seem to be having great problems posting messages.

                            Is it that you are using accents or is it something else?


                            • reinerfan
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 106

                              Oh dear. I seem to have been rather profligate this month! In the last week 8 EMI Icon boxes arrived together with Gunter Wand's Bruckner Symphonies, Rubinstein's Brahms, Van Cliburn's Concertos, James Levine's Mahler and Schumann Symphonies, Munch's 10 CD Berlioz box and a 6 CD Michala Petri set, all on RCA via French Amazon. Oh, and Rozhdestvensky's Sibelius Symphonies, which I find extremely stimulating.


                              • Kurwenal

                                This week : The Braunfels quartets from jpc Germany; and from the same source the Borenson symphonies which I have not tried yet. On the way, The Gardiner Bach cantata series volume 3. I am about half way through my collection of the millenium cycle and loving every discovery so far.

