Your Latest CD/DVD/Download Purchase

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  • johnb
    Full Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 2903

    Your Latest CD/DVD/Download Purchase

    As there wasn't a thread in this section I thought I would start one.

    What were the last CDs that you purchased and what are your thoughts about them?

    Over the last few days I have bought:

    Cherkassky: Berg Piano Sonata, Chopin Piano Sonata No 3, etc (BBC Legends)
    Cherkassky: Nimbus boxed set (it was at a bargain price, so I couldn't resist it)
    Elgar: "Collectors Edition" of 30 CDs

    I haven't yet been able to get at the Cherkassky discs and have only dipped my toe into the Elgar but was started to hear Elgars own recording of his Pomp and Circumstance Marches - done with real drive and vigour.
  • VodkaDilc

    The Rene Jacobs recording of Die Zauberflote. The reviews were mixed: some saying it was wonderful, some saying it was bonkers. I concluded that it was my sort of recording.
    Last edited by Guest; 24-11-10, 18:32. Reason: The reply was only posted as far as the umlaut and then stopped. I have reposted without the umlaut.


    • Don Petter

      The last CD I bought was Hyperion 'The Romantic Piano Concerto - 38', with Marc-Andr


      • Don Petter

        Hmm... I wrote a lot more than that. Is Mr Hamelin perhaps banned from these boards? (Wash my mouth out!)


        • Nick Armstrong
          • Nov 2010
          • 26628

          The 2-CD set of Bach's "Orgelbuchlein" [umlaut removed - thank for the warning VodkaDilc] etc played by Margaret Phillips in the Church of St Louis-en-l'Ile in Paris. Extracts on Building a Library seduced me... I'm a Bach fan but not really an organ fan. This is a knock-out CD though - awesome sound and instrument, beautiful playing.

          Three cheers to French Frank for this new forum.

          I hope it prospers :)
          "...the isle is full of noises,
          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


          • VodkaDilc

            Don P: Did you have the same problem as I did - the post stopped when it got to an accent?
            Is that our first teething problem?


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26628

              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
              Hmm... I wrote a lot more than that. Is Mr Hamelin perhaps banned from these boards? (Wash my mouth out!)
              I think the acute accent on his second forename will have truncated things... see VodkaDilc above..
              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • Don Petter

                Well - all that effort in calling up the character map to give the man his accent and it scuppered my first post. And I don't even like his playing! It was quite a long post covering a second CD as well, but I'm not inclined to remember and retype it all now - the muse has left me and it's time for supper.

                I hoped that by chooosing 'Edit' I might find the offensive item and remove it, restoring all the missing text but no, Wot You See Is All You Got.

                ff - Could this be fixed, or do we need a list of Characters To Avoid (apart from strange men with sweets). Many thanks for getting things up and running so soon for us, by the way.

                I will try to complete my contribution to this thread later.


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30817

                  Hmmm, they haven't counted on an erudite Radio 3 membership, evidemment. No it didn't like that accent although it was fine in preview.
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • freegoat

                    Garrick Ohlsson's complete Chopin on Hyperion. Very helpful for fumbling my way through early Mazurkas (have been guided by scratchy transfers of Rubinstein so's nice to hear all the notes). Entrancing playing. Haven't got beyond the solo works yet. I also bought Busnois' (attrib.) L'homme arme (any clues how to do foreign characters?) masses, performed by Cantica Symphonia on Glossa, which I am listening to now for the first time. A lovely blend of warm, buzzing sackbuts and well-balanced voices.


                    • freegoat

                      Started reply, made a cup of tea, finished reply, and everyone is talking about accents...spooky!


                      • Don Petter

                        No time for cups of tea with the Accent Police around! Lucky for you your homme wasn't armed. I will be (re)posting my Hyperion experience shortly.


                        • Don Petter

                          As I was saying


                          • Don Petter

                            It's happened again! This time at a full stop. Luckily, I've kept my text this time so I'll change that character and try once more.

                            (We are most grateful, ff, but the posting software does seem pretty flaky at present!)

                            As I was saying-

                            My most recent CD is Hyperion


                            • Don Petter

                              And again. It was a single apostrophe that time. Perhaps we must post in capitals with no punctuation, like talking to a three year-old?

                              Here is another attempt:

                              As I was saying-

                              My most recent CD is (Hyperion)

