The Complete Wagner

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  • Auferstehen2
    • Mar 2025

    The Complete Wagner

    Until a few years ago, I didn’t know a single work by Wagner. Now, I know Die Meistersinger (Karajan & Keilberth), The Ring (Solti), and Lohengrin (Keilberth & Leinsdorf).

    While in London last week (to go to O2 with my tennis-crazy wife), I popped into HMV in Oxford St. and noticed the Complete Wagner operas by Barenboim. The price was £122 for 34CDs.

    I know that Wagnerites would prefer individual performances, but as an introduction, would this be a good purchase?


  • Mandryka

    If you're asking me, I'd say no.

    Barenboim has a very inconsistent record as a Wagnerian and, though that box contains some excellent recordings (the Parsifal and the Tristan...), the other versions have too many things wrong with them to be wholly recommenable, particularly not at that price (which doesn't qualify as much of a bargain, in these unsentimental times).

    If you search around, you'll find another box on Decca/Polygram that contains the same repertoire in vintage Bayreuth performances: though it is also inconsistent, it does contain some essential versions (the Bohm Tristan and Ring), along with satisfactory recordings of the other operas. It is also much cheaper than the Barenboim set (I picked mine up for only £35 in that very same HMV).

    Of course, if the Barenboim set dips in price to, say, £50.00, it might be worth 'taking a punt on', as we say.

    If you get serious about Wagner, you'll want to get the best possible versions of all these works; but these boxes are handy things to have for car journeys and the like. :)


    • gradus
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5665

      Yes, you can hardly go wrong with Barenboim, but I suspect they'll get even cheaper as HMV is under the cosh and I'd be surprised if the shops/business survive 2011. The 'financials' were dire for the group earlier this year and the share price has crashed even lower. I have a horrible feeling that their final curtain call is fast approaching but I hope that I'm proved wrong.


      • mercia
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 8920

        someone's selling it for £85.99 on (not that you need to save money I'm sure)


        • Mr Pee
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3285

          I think you really can't go far wrong with that Barenboim set. And also unlike Mandy, I think 122 quid for 34 CDs is a pretty good price- 3.50 per CD, and a quick check on Amazon shows it available for considerably less from marketplace sellers. I might just take the plunge myself!
          Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

          Mark Twain.


          • Auferstehen2

            Sorry to sound dense, but what exactly are marketplace sellers?



            • Mr Pee
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3285

              Originally posted by Auferstehen2 View Post
              Sorry to sound dense, but what exactly are marketplace sellers?

              If you find the Wagner set on Amazon- for 121.99- underneath the main listing it says "8 new from 84.91". If you click on that, it takes you to a list of other sellers, who presumably pay Amazon a fee for the link.

              They are known as Amazon Marketplace sellers.
              Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

              Mark Twain.


              • Suffolkcoastal
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3299

                The Barenboim set was down to £65 yesterday and HMV were generally doing a roaring trade as they always seem to do. I suspect the financial troubles is more down to managerial incompetence at the top.


                • Eine Alpensinfonie
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 20585

                  Completists would also like to add Die Feen, Das Liebesverbot and Rienzi.
                  Does anything remain of Die Hochzeit?


                  • Mandryka

                    Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
                    Does anything remain of Die Hochzeit?
                    I don't believe so.

                    Yes, these Complete Wagner Opera sets are not being technically truthful, if they don't include the early works (one of which - Rienzi - was Wagner's most commercially successful work during his own lifetime).


                    • Auferstehen2

                      Message 7

                      Thanks Mr Pee



                      • BBMmk2
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20908

                        Hasn't Decca brought together Solti's Wagner? That would sure;y be a very good way of acquiring good performances?
                        Don’t cry for me
                        I go where music was born

                        J S Bach 1685-1750


                        • Bryn
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 24688

                          When trying to find the best deal for such sets, or indeed any CDs, online, it is worth Googling for the title and performers to find the catalogue number, then Google that to find a range of suppliers. In the case of the Barenboim Wagner box this leads you to Crotchet, who, until close of business on Wednesday, are asking £73.99 plus £1.50 p&p.

                          InvisibleHand can also aid one's search.


                          • Mandryka

                            Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                            Hasn't Decca brought together Solti's Wagner? That would sure;y be a very good way of acquiring good performances?
                            I'd strongly agree with this. The Solti box is definitely the best for the Wagner neophyte - even if you don't care for Solti's approach to the scores, these recordings are worth having a) because of the stunning, demonstration standard sound and b) the incomparable casts.

                            Only problem is, Universal have not (yet) amalgamated his Ring operas with the others, though doubtless this will happen in due course.


                            • Barbirollians
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 11967

                              HMV were selling Furtwangler's Tristan for a fiver online ! A bargain to end all bargains.

