Blu Ray audio discs

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18101

    Blu Ray audio discs

    While browsing to see if there are still any Naxos DVD Audio discs available (there are) - - I discovered that there are now some Blu Ray Audio discs.

    I've not tried them. I was interested in the DVD Audio discs (I have some already) as unlike SACDs there is software to rip them, and thus they can be played via devices such as the Squeezebox. Also, if you keep looking, you might find that there are bargains in this rather specialised area. I have in the past had some DVD Audios from Naxos which were, at the time, cheaper than the equivalent CDs. The same might have been the case for some SACDs.

    Lastly, not sure about this - but would it be possible to rip the Blu Ray discs - again for playing via networked players?

    PS: re ripping Blu Rays - you'd need to have a Blu Ray player/drive, as most computers only have CD or DVD/CD drives.
    Last edited by Dave2002; 11-11-11, 12:24.
  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    I think there may be software to do the job but I have not responded to the many emails I have received of the months from a company based in China who are pushing such software. I think I deleted all their emails but I will have a look.

    Hmm, have you tried Googling "ripping blu-ray"?

    Ah, the company sending all those emails was
    Last edited by Bryn; 11-11-11, 12:41. Reason: Update.


    • johnb
      Full Member
      • Mar 2007
      • 2903


      If you google on the subject of ripping Blu-Ray disks you will find quite a bit of information.

      From memory there are two main contenders for dealing with the Blu-Ray restrictions: dvdfab (as Bryn mentioned) and "AnyDVD HD" (which I have used to extract the audio from a Blu-Ray video so I can play it through Squeezebox).

      You need to be careful about what exactly the software does as, for example, AnyDVD HD only deals with the restrictions but you then need other software to do any copying/extracting. There is a lot of information available via Google.

