I'm glad I stayed with Record Review this morning because I thought Marina Frolova-Walker's review of Prokoviev 5 was well-considered.* However, I had nearly turned the programme off, or more likely thrown something heavy at the radio. CPE Bach's Solfeggio was played at lightning speed and with no subtlety. Telemann's Viola Concerto was likewise on steroids. Then something which, with some difficulty I identified as Beethoven 7 happened. What a filthy row, And who let loose that extrovert with the timp- sticks? I have, up to now, been quite a fan of Jordi Savall, but is he loosing his mind???
* Surprised, as were some others, that she like Karajan so much. I was happy with Litton/Bergen though.
* Surprised, as were some others, that she like Karajan so much. I was happy with Litton/Bergen though.