Perahia and Haitink did a great set of PCs decades ago, but MP hasn’t otherwise recorded much Beethoven. At age 70 he has now recorded 2 of his most iconic Sonatas.
Having listened to this download twice, it is highly recommendable. The Moonlight is given an uncontroversial reading, no hankering after effects. The real interest lies in op.106
It’s generally a swift reading. In I MP sounds as if he is at a nice clip without trying to hit the composer’s prescribed tempo. II also doesn’t dawdle but I miss some of the sardonic wit others find here. The most interesting is III, which MP dispatches in 16 minutes, about 3/4 the norm. The playing per se isn’t fast, but there is total absence of pauses between phrases and sections. Arrau by contrast risks near stasis for the first several minutes and even after the drama picks up still leaves telling, poignant gaps between sections.
MP dispatches the final fugue with panache.
I listened to a High Resolution download which is very detailed with a 5th row perspective.
In short, a very satisfying release, if perhaps not the last word in the challenging Op.106
Having listened to this download twice, it is highly recommendable. The Moonlight is given an uncontroversial reading, no hankering after effects. The real interest lies in op.106
It’s generally a swift reading. In I MP sounds as if he is at a nice clip without trying to hit the composer’s prescribed tempo. II also doesn’t dawdle but I miss some of the sardonic wit others find here. The most interesting is III, which MP dispatches in 16 minutes, about 3/4 the norm. The playing per se isn’t fast, but there is total absence of pauses between phrases and sections. Arrau by contrast risks near stasis for the first several minutes and even after the drama picks up still leaves telling, poignant gaps between sections.
MP dispatches the final fugue with panache.
I listened to a High Resolution download which is very detailed with a 5th row perspective.
In short, a very satisfying release, if perhaps not the last word in the challenging Op.106