Over the last couple of years or so, it feels like many forumistas have grasped the nettle and embraced downloads, I certainly have. But I wasn’t an early-adopter, like some.
Storage space is the main reason, speaking for myself. Amazing sound quality with Hi-Res downloads of course is a major bonus - I can hear the difference with at least 60% of them. One pays a premium, though.
Nowadays, my music buying position is that my first port of call is a download. The only reason why I may opt for a CD version is price - there are some ridiculous bargains on CDs these days, especially for second hand.
So what’s my latest download purchase?
Well, 2017 is the 250th anniversary of Georg Philipp Telemann’s passing, so I could not resist getting Giovanni Antonini/Il Giardino Armonnico’s latest release of this master’s music. It’s downloading as I type (Qobuz, 24 Bits Hi-Res £11.99). I may not be able to listen until tomorrow, it’s quite late and at the moment I have Barenboim’s Bruckner 5, BPO, Warner Classics on the headphones!
What is exciting is Dottore Antonini’s return to his first and foremost instrument as a soloist, the recorder. How many music directors' main instrument is the recorder!!?
Anyone else on here enjoying the benefits of downloading?
Storage space is the main reason, speaking for myself. Amazing sound quality with Hi-Res downloads of course is a major bonus - I can hear the difference with at least 60% of them. One pays a premium, though.
Nowadays, my music buying position is that my first port of call is a download. The only reason why I may opt for a CD version is price - there are some ridiculous bargains on CDs these days, especially for second hand.
So what’s my latest download purchase?
Well, 2017 is the 250th anniversary of Georg Philipp Telemann’s passing, so I could not resist getting Giovanni Antonini/Il Giardino Armonnico’s latest release of this master’s music. It’s downloading as I type (Qobuz, 24 Bits Hi-Res £11.99). I may not be able to listen until tomorrow, it’s quite late and at the moment I have Barenboim’s Bruckner 5, BPO, Warner Classics on the headphones!
What is exciting is Dottore Antonini’s return to his first and foremost instrument as a soloist, the recorder. How many music directors' main instrument is the recorder!!?
Anyone else on here enjoying the benefits of downloading?
