In the absence of a thread here about this morning's programme, I thought I'd start one to say how much I enjoyed this. Not a song specialist at all, I love a lot of Strauss, Schumann and Schubert songs - but Wolf was for some reason a closed book to me. This morning's BAL was a classic 'ear-opener' for me, and seemed to justify its rather longer time-allowance. I shall re-listen to it. It reminded me how much I have learnt from BAL over the 25 or so years I have listened to it... I found the range of expression in Wolf's music surprising, from the neurotically dramatic to the broadly comedic. Good stuff
PS nice to find the familiar smileys here. Looks like it may be possible to add more...:p
PS nice to find the familiar smileys here. Looks like it may be possible to add more...:p