Originally posted by Caliban
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I've now listened to this a second time, and have been fascinated anew. Would love to know others' reaction to the relative merits of the three pianists in the selected repertoire...
Bringing things up to date, I was enthralled by the new Sudbin Scarlatti disc illustrated on the most recent programme, and have invested. Amazing pianism, and rather in the Sofronitzky tradition, it seems to me.
However, it wasn't until I heard the second item on the recording - the A major sonata K.208 - that I realised quite how much Sudbin adds - as he says, to be fair, these are arrangements for piano, really. In the case of K.208, what makes me realise it is that I play that piece, and it's the only one I know well. I'm not sure it's improved by the florid additions - and maybe those who know Scarlatti's pieces better would find the same with the others. Anyone else heard this recording?