Charity Shop Trawl

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  • Bryn
    • Mar 2007
    • 24688

    Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
    They are unavailable on Amazon and eBay sellers expect at least £7.50 for a single
    I paid £8.00 for the boxed set. They appear to be in near mint condition. I really must get the rewiring and service done soon.


    • Alain Maréchal
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 1289

      Thanks to all, but the price and/or value was not my problem; could I afford the space or time? Your suggestion is I should. I expect they will still be there. Moulins is something of a backwater (although, thanks to the Bourbons it holds a painting to rival anything in the Louvre, and that is not only my opinion).

      Outcome: a minion has been commissioned to acquire the set, and has reported back that it has been secured.
      Last edited by Alain Maréchal; 19-07-17, 12:58. Reason: 1. grammar, as usual. 2. Mission accomplished


      • Dave2002
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 18110


        Rattle: Szymanowski 4 CD set £1.99
        John Wilson Orchestra: Rogers and Hammerstein at the Movies £1.49 *** Watch out for another thread about this one shortly.


        • Conchis
          • Jun 2014
          • 2396

          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post

          Rattle: Szymanowski 4 CD set £1.99
          John Wilson Orchestra: Rogers and Hammerstein at the Movies £1.49 *** Watch out for another thread about this one shortly.
          One of those things that can turn an ordinary day instantly into a good day. :)


          • pastoralguy
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 7918

            I lucked into a dozen unopened Delphian CDs yesterday in a local charity shop for 50p each! Mainly music by indigenous Scottish composers. Looking forward to exploring them!


            • EdgeleyRob
              • Nov 2010
              • 12180


              Chopin,Preludes,Sonata No 2 (Classic FM CD) Ashkenazy - 99p
              Beethoven Op 30 Violin Sonatas,Mutter,Kremer (DG) no booklet or insert - £1
              Wagner,orchestral favourites,VPO Solti (double Decca) - £1
              Albinoni's Adagios,a collection of 23 slow movements,I Solisti Veneti (Erato)- 50p


              • pastoralguy
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 7918

                I've had many thousands of charity shop CDs in the many years I've been trawling these establishments and have always given thanks that I've had very 'duds' in terms of playability of discs. However, recently I've had a few duff ones in a row that even my trusty CD repairer/cleaner can't fix.

                The most recent was Volume 5 of the Hogwood Mozart Symphonies set. The box was smashed and there was no booklet but it was worth the £1.50 punt. However, disc 3 seems to have a blemish that looks like a manufacturing fault rather than poor handling. Am I correct in thinking that I would be way too late to ask for a replacement?


                • cloughie
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2011
                  • 22271

                  Recent purchase in Camborne at 2 for 49p seems quite good value to me:
                  1 Brahms: Readers Digest 3CD set - includes Sym 1 Horenstein, Sym 4 Reiner and PC2 Bachauer/Dorati
                  2 Naxos 2CD set - A Viennese New Year: Favourite Waltzes, Polkas and Overtures
                  Last edited by cloughie; 03-09-17, 19:25.


                  • LeMartinPecheur
                    Full Member
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 4717

                    Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
                    I've had many thousands of charity shop CDs in the many years I've been trawling these establishments and have always given thanks that I've had very 'duds' in terms of playability of discs. However, recently I've had a few duff ones in a row that even my trusty CD repairer/cleaner can't fix.

                    The most recent was Volume 5 of the Hogwood Mozart Symphonies set. The box was smashed and there was no booklet but it was worth the £1.50 punt. However, disc 3 seems to have a blemish that looks like a manufacturing fault rather than poor handling. Am I correct in thinking that I would be way too late to ask for a replacement?
                    Yep! The charity shop from which you bought it can probably argue that you got what you paid for - enough 'satisfactory quality' at the £1.50 you paid. And even if detailed examination were to prove that the fault has been there since the day of manufacture, that gives you no extra rights - you have no contract with (rights against) the manufacturer.

                    The original purchaser could/should have returned it to the retailer as 'not of satisfactory quality', but even he had no rights against the manufacturer.

                    Here endeth the consumer law lecture - more available on request
                    I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                    • pastoralguy
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 7918

                      Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
                      Yep! The charity shop from which you bought it can probably argue that you got what you paid for - enough 'satisfactory quality' at the £1.50 you paid. And even if detailed examination were to prove that the fault has been there since the day of manufacture, that gives you no extra rights - you have no contract with (rights against) the manufacturer.

                      The original purchaser could/should have returned it to the retailer as 'not of satisfactory quality', but even he had no rights against the manufacturer.

                      Here endeth the consumer law lecture - more available on request
                      Many thanks!


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Not actually from a charity shop but a charity event, the Eton College Community Fair. Only 2 CDs bought: the Philharmonia/Rattle Holst Planets coupled with ECO/Menuhin St Paul's and Perfect Fool suites + a still sealed BBC MM disc of wind quintets by Nielsen, Ligeti, Barber and Francaix (pronounced by the man himself as close to 'fronsex') played by the Galliard Ensemble (50p each). However, the £5 (to NSPCC) 'early bird' entry fee to the jumble sale aided the purchase of KRK Systems KRS-6400 headphones (£3, whereas Internet price is £69), Prelude 8 to 15 x 30 zoom binoculars in case (£3), gigantic wheelie holdall into which all purchases were packed, with plenty of room and compartments to spare (£2), Austin Reed suit (£5), Suede jacket (£4), weather resistant 'outdoors' jacket (£4) and a set of 6 each of Ikea knives, forks, desert spoons and teaspoons (£1 the lot in a strong tin biscuit box). All in excellent condition, thought the suede jacket might do with a specialist dry clean. Oh, I forgot, a black ceramic 1 pint mug (20p).


                        • Dave2002
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 18110

                          Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                          Not actually from a charity shop but a charity event, the Eton College Community Fair. Only 2 CDs bought: the Philharmonia/Rattle Holst Planets coupled with ECO/Menuhin St Paul's and Perfect Fool suites + a still sealed BBC MM disc of wind quintets by Nielsen, Ligeti, Barber and Francaix (pronounced by the man himself as close to 'fronsex') played by the Galliard Ensemble (50p each). However, the £5 (to NSPCC) 'early bird' entry fee to the jumble sale aided the purchase of KRK Systems KRS-6400 headphones (£3, whereas Internet price is £69), Prelude 8 to 15 x 30 zoom binoculars in case (£3), gigantic wheelie holdall into which all purchases were packed, with plenty of room and compartments to spare (£2), Austin Reed suit (£5), Suede jacket (£4), weather resistant 'outdoors' jacket (£4) and a set of 6 each of Ikea knives, forks, desert spoons and teaspoons (£1 the lot in a strong tin biscuit box). All in excellent condition, thought the suede jacket might do with a specialist dry clean. Oh, I forgot, a black ceramic 1 pint mug (20p).
                          Any DJs, or evening coats, bow ties or cravats - given the venue?

                          What about other hi-fi kit - loudspeakers, cd players etc. Perhaps CDs are out, given that vinyl is resurgent!


                          • Pulcinella
                            • Feb 2014
                            • 11388

                            Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                            Not actually from a charity shop but a charity event, the Eton College Community Fair. Only 2 CDs bought: the Philharmonia/Rattle Holst Planets coupled with ECO/Menuhin St Paul's and Perfect Fool suites + a still sealed BBC MM disc of wind quintets by Nielsen, Ligeti, Barber and Francaix (pronounced by the man himself as close to 'fronsex') played by the Galliard Ensemble (50p each). However, the £5 (to NSPCC) 'early bird' entry fee to the jumble sale aided the purchase of KRK Systems KRS-6400 headphones (£3, whereas Internet price is £69), Prelude 8 to 15 x 30 zoom binoculars in case (£3), gigantic wheelie holdall into which all purchases were packed, with plenty of room and compartments to spare (£2), Austin Reed suit (£5), Suede jacket (£4), weather resistant 'outdoors' jacket (£4) and a set of 6 each of Ikea knives, forks, desert spoons and teaspoons (£1 the lot in a strong tin biscuit box). All in excellent condition, thought the suede jacket might do with a specialist dry clean. Oh, I forgot, a black ceramic 1 pint mug (20p).
                            All except the Barber previously unknown to me when this issue came out. I particularly like the Nielsen, and play it a fair bit.
                            Hope you enjoy it too.


                            • Bryn
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 24688

                              Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                              Any DJs, or evening coats, bow ties or cravats - given the venue?
                              Only on the helpers.

                              Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                              What about other hi-fi kit - loudspeakers, cd players etc. Perhaps CDs are out, given that vinyl is resurgent!

                              There was a very basic Sony media player (£5) which I rejected, and that was about it regarding hi-fi kit, I bought the only two CDs worthy of consideration, and that was from a stall in Common Lane, rather than in the jumble sale as such.

                              Sadly there were no Scotch pancakes being made outside the school hall this year. Plenty of other food stalls, but it's just not the same without the freshly made Scotch pancakes with maple syrup. Things started going down hill a few years ago when maple flavoured sugar syrup replaced the real thing.


                              • LeMartinPecheur
                                Full Member
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 4717

                                Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                                ...and a set of 6 each of Ikea knives, forks, desert spoons and teaspoons (£1 the lot in a strong tin biscuit box).
                                So is it the Sahara or the Gobi, Bryn?
                                I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!

