Charity Shop Trawl

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  • umslopogaas
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1977

    The subject of LP prices interests me, because I have collected them for many years (apologies if similar comments have already been posted, I havent the patience to read 27 pages to find out). My sources are second hand dealers and ebay, though I only use ebay for checking prices, I have never bought or sold anything there. As someone just pointed out, it is the bids on ebay that count, not the asking price, although having said that, many of the sellers are experienced dealers and if they are asking a thousand quid its because they have a shrewd idea they can get it. You do also, of course, find naive optimists asking a thousand quid for something that any dealer would tell you isnt worth a fiver.

    There is a small but significant collectors market for second hand classical vinyl. Certain labels, notably first issue stereo Deccas (SXL 2000 series) and stereo Columbias (blue and silver SAX series) can go for startling sums. Violinists are the most collectable, and if you've got any blue and silver Leonid Kogans, you're sitting on a fortune. SAX 2329, Lalo Symphonie Espagnole just sold for £3320 and a copy of SAX2531 is currently bid at £1500.

    You may well ask, who in their right mind would pay three thousand quid for an LP, especially if, as is usually the case, it has been reissued as a CD? I can only respond, firstly, that I wouldnt pay that kind of money because I dont have it. It is also the case that collectors are to some extent obsessive and therefore not in their right minds.

    I have a 2006 Rare Records Price Guide which suggests a first label SXL 2290 is worth £85; admittedly the guide is rather out of date, but I doubt any dealer would now be asking more than a hundred quid for it.

    It is almost too obvious to be worth noting, but prices reflect supply and demand. You can have the only copy in the world, but it is worth nothing if no-one wants to buy it. Among violinists, you can get a fortune for Kogan, good money for Oistrakh but not much for Menuhin. This is no reflection on Menuhin's playing, just that he sold very well at the time and there are more than enough copies of his LPs to go round. Kogan by contrast was little known and full price at a time when money was short, so he didnt sell at all well: now everyone wants his records and there arent enough to satisfy demand.


    • visualnickmos
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3619

      This discussion about value of LPs, and so on, is very interesting, but I feel it has deviated away massively from the original thread! Maybe it should be repositioned in a new thread devoted to it. I say this, because the murky world of obsessive collecting, and the wheeler-dealing that is part of it, is a million miles from the pure enjoyment of music, and certainly at the opposite end of the thread spectrum with has to do with bargains, basically.
      It's very much like the world of expensive wine when collectors/speculators buy say, a 1914 Bordeaux with no intention of ever opening it for a glug, or two!


      • umslopogaas
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1977

        I'm happy to have my and related posts repositioned on a new thread, if someone who knows how to do that will do the necessary. I do feel, though, that a discussion of LP values has some relevance to bargains and charity shop trawling. There was a time when you could find bargains in Oxfam shops, because Oxfam didnt know the true collectors value of what they were selling. Then they got someone in who put top price on everything, with little regard for quality: a pristine copy might be worth ten quid, but a battered and scratched one isnt. At that point I stopped visiting Oxfam. I know people who have found LPs in charity shops, but I never have, as far as I can see LPs only end up in charity shops when they are too wrecked for any one else to want them. CDs are a different matter.

        LP collecting is a bit like fine wines, though with good equipment you can both own and enjoy an LP, whereas you cant do that with a bottle of Bordeaux!


        • visualnickmos
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3619

          Originally posted by umslopogaas View Post
          I'm happy to have my and related posts repositioned on a new thread, if someone who knows how to do that will do the necessary. I do feel, though, that a discussion of LP values has some relevance to bargains and charity shop trawling. There was a time when you could find bargains in Oxfam shops, because Oxfam didnt know the true collectors value of what they were selling. Then they got someone in who put top price on everything, with little regard for quality: a pristine copy might be worth ten quid, but a battered and scratched one isnt. At that point I stopped visiting Oxfam. I know people who have found LPs in charity shops, but I never have, as far as I can see LPs only end up in charity shops when they are too wrecked for any one else to want them. CDs are a different matter.

          LP collecting is a bit like fine wines, though with good equipment you can both own and enjoy an LP, whereas you cant do that with a bottle of Bordeaux!


          • frankwm

            If Ye Topicke was 'Bargin LP's that I recently copped @ Oxfam' - then any thread would be short (could only add the shoddily-played Berglund/'Leningrad' HMV SLS box to the list)

            Oxfam bargains reside outside what is noted as 'collectible': particularly post-CD Digital LP's: still @ 99pee - and actually scarcer than early '60's stuff.

            eBay will yield bargains on box-sets if you search 'lowest price' - especially sellers with numerous items/who'll combine postage by cheapo couriers - and which can average out @ not much above £1/LP. With just one exception, all my purchases have been in superlative 'never played' condition...and the only bidder.

            Was happy to re-acquire SXL2290 being, I suspect, the sole VO reissue not to hand on SDD - also obtaining the 1960 ACL of K.334 - technically far superior to my new/original VO 1951 LXT.
            Last edited by Guest; 19-01-15, 14:08.


            • ARBurton
              Full Member
              • May 2011
              • 333

              Originally posted by pastoralguy View Post
              Well, I've made it very clear to Mrs. PG that some of my collection is quite valuable. In the event of my demise, I have told her that, instead of mopping around, she should sit and list the rare discs on eBay and get a holiday off the proceeds! I've left clear instructions about what information is required and each rare disc has a yellow dot.

              So there!

              The yellow dot idea is brilliant! My wife and I have often discussed what she would do with my collection, it being of little interest to her, but containing what I think to be valuable items. I try not to sit Fafner-like keeping watch over them, though.


              • Dave2002
                Full Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 18111

                Today, locally:

                Respighi: Pines, Fountains, Feste Romane, Ormandy, Philadelphia
                Mozart: Cost fan Tutte, highlights, Eliot Gardiner
                Chopin: Various, Adam Harasiewicz
                Mahler: Symphony 9, Walter, VPO (1938)
                Mahler: Symphony 4, Mengelberg, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
                Shostakovich:Berglund, Bournemouth SO

                £1 each - £6 the lot. Good car fodder.


                • aeolium
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 3992

                  Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                  Mahler: Symphony 9, Walter, VPO (1938)

                  .... Good car fodder.
                  Good car fodder?

                  Talk about damning with faint praise....


                  • Dave2002
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 18111

                    Originally posted by aeolium View Post
                    Good car fodder?

                    Talk about damning with faint praise....
                    Sorry about that! The JEG disc is surplus, as we do have the whole opera in that version, and several other versions. Mrs D would probably like it for her car.

                    Some of the others are undoubtedly very good, and will eventually get an outing via the domestic set up, but often, for various reasons, I am unable to play CDs without causing strife, so the car is sometimes the best I can do, and also gives me time.

                    I do still get quite a lot of pleasure even from the car system.


                    • aeolium
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 3992

                      OK, Dave - I'm sure I've listened to legendary recordings in the car myself. It was just the description that took me aback


                      • Barbirollians
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 11988

                        Originally posted by aeolium View Post
                        OK, Dave - I'm sure I've listened to legendary recordings in the car myself. It was just the description that took me aback
                        I think I listen to Ferrier's recordings of the Ruckert Lieder just about every week in the car- coupled rather sensationally on a Decca disc with della Casa's Four Last Songs and Flagstad's wesendonck Lieder


                        • Flosshilde
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 7988

                          Originally posted by Dave2002 View Post
                          Some of the others are undoubtedly very good, and will eventually get an outing via the domestic set up, but often, for various reasons, I am unable to play CDs without causing strife, so the car is sometimes the best I can do, and also gives me time.
                          So, if we see you driving round in circles for an hour and a half, we'll just assume you're listening to Mahler's third, & not call the police


                          • Conchis
                            • Jun 2014
                            • 2396

                            Haitink's Eine Alpensinfonie for £1.99 in Oxfam, Northwich.

                            How does our Alpen expert rate this one?


                            • Dave2002
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 18111

                              Originally posted by Flosshilde View Post
                              So, if we see you driving round in circles for an hour and a half, we'll just assume you're listening to Mahler's third, & not call the police
                              MMmm... I see it's possible to put a different interpretation on my original sentence. I did not mention Mahler 3, but I suppose if I drove round with some parts of Mahler 8 on and the windows down I might succeed in causing strife in some neighbourhoods.

                              I'm not quite sure what I could play in order to generate maximum strife effects while in mobile mode.

                              Years ago I was pleased to hear classical music at Vauxhall station. It was only later that I heard that it was played deliberately to drive certain people away - rather than to encourage them to discover Mozart, Beethoven and others.


                              • Conchis
                                • Jun 2014
                                • 2396

                                Today, in Harrogate:

                                Yo Yo Ma, Great Cello Concertos (2CD) £1.65

                                Brahms, Complete Solo Piano Music/Katchen - 6CDs £5.99

                                Delibes - Complete Ballets - 4CDs £4.99

                                The latter two are in unplayed condition.

