Hugely enjoyed the discussion about this new box-set of Willcocks and Ord recordings from King's, and some fascinating extracts - mostly familiar, some new to me (I 'tuned in' to KCC in the Ledger/Cleobury era). Highlight: the unique 'aura' of the Willcocks recording of the Coll.Reg. canticles. I do find the quaint 'a' vowel sound intrusive ('which thou HEST prepared...') - although Jeremy Summerly said it was a Willcocks 'tonal' device, it was apparent in the Ord recordings too, I thought ('with the poor end mean end lowly'). Not important - just part of the period patina which contributes to the appeal and interest, like the immaculately reproduced LP covers on the cardboard slip-cases of the CDs... (but why the ugly, incongruous, angular typeface on the outer box for the main 'title' of the boxset??