Recordings you used to like

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  • Dave2002
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 18070

    Recordings you used to like

    Sometimes one thinks back to earlier recordings with "rose tinted ears" - and when these are listened to they don't deliver as much pleasure as before, or else the deficiencies seem more obvious.

    One which I reminded myself of tonight is this one - A Christmas Celebration with Kathleen Battle -

    In the past I liked that one a lot, but now I find the soprano wobble really rather excessive. There are still things I like about it, but the "vibrato" - no! Despite that, I'll probably still try to get a(nother) CD copy - it can still be bought from the US - but it's no longer at the top of my list of "must have" CDs - Christmas or otherwise.

    Are there other recordings which others would like to nominate in the same way?
  • verismissimo
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 2957

    Interesting question, Dave. I usta like Mackerras's pioneering recording of the Fireworks Music from 1959. Very advanced in HIP terms it was. But when I bought it on CD a couple of years ago, it seemed more like wading through mud.

    How far Mackerras himself moved in the following decades.


    • cloughie
      Full Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 22257

      Originally posted by verismissimo View Post
      Interesting question, Dave. I usta like Mackerras's pioneering recording of the Fireworks Music from 1959. Very advanced in HIP terms it was. But when I bought it on CD a couple of years ago, it seemed more like wading through mud.

      How far Mackerras himself moved in the following decades.
      I remember hearing about it and thought great - a big wind band - then I heard it and your description is very apt.


      • makropulos
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1685

        Originally posted by verismissimo View Post
        Interesting question, Dave. I usta like Mackerras's pioneering recording of the Fireworks Music from 1959. Very advanced in HIP terms it was. But when I bought it on CD a couple of years ago, it seemed more like wading through mud.

        How far Mackerras himself moved in the following decades.
        I do still enjoy that performance a lot - but I can see your point - and if CM had been able to record it on old instruments later in life, I'm sure that would have been something special.

        Among records I liked when I first heard them but find less satisfying now, I can think of a few. There's nothing wrong (!) with any of these - it's just that they don't excite me in quite the way they used to:
        Rattle's EMI Mahler 2
        Schwarzkopf/Szell Strauss (incl. Four last Songs)
        Pinnock's Archiv Bach Brandenburgs and Orchestral suites
        Gergiev's complete Nutcracker


        • Barbirollians
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11945

          Bruckner 9 Cleveland/Dohnanyi - used to think it was thrillingly urgent now it just seems rushed on CD .


          • Alison
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 6499

            A couple of discs Of the Lindsay String Quartet playing Haydn. I cut my teeth on these recordings, well reviewed at the time. Now they seem a bit old fashioned, lacking the technical fluency and musical imagination of some of the newer ensembles

