The Classic FM-isation of R3 is almost complete

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  • Penn Igor

    Originally posted by johnb View Post
    I do wonder to what extent that is correct. It is probable that the presenters have some input (perhaps somewhat more in the case of Rob Cowan) but, to a large extent, they are "presenters" - front men and women and behind them are production teams who, in all probability, make most of the selections and have the dominant say as to what is played. I suspect that all this "I have chosen this recording of xxxxxx ..." is often just window dressing.
    You obviously have no knowledge of the media- certainly not R3. Like the media in general, it is now completely "celebrity" driven: no matter how minor that celebrity might appear to the rest of us. Surely you must have noticed that the content of the Breakfast programme changes considerably with changes in presenters- this is most noticable at weekends, depending, of course who the presenter is. Even more noticable is Essential Classics, both the tone and, more importantly, the content of which change considerably (for the better in my view), when RC is not presenting.


    • underthecountertenor
      Full Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 1587

      Originally posted by french frank View Post
      This is where even those who are in general agreement about the state of R3 begin to fall out - once individual presenters are mentioned. Impossible though it may be to believe, there are knowledgeable (even distinguished!) listeners who disagree with you ('you' not aimed at anyone in particular, nor referring to any particular presenter or programme, E&OE &c &c &c, Subject to Contract).
      To which I would only add that referring to PT as 'Pet Rock' is just being gratuitously rude.

