Interview extract from last year’s Proms.
KD. Now we are going to hear the most famous tune in all classical music. Dvorak New World Symphony.
I’m here with the Cor Anglais player. So what’s it like to play this famous tune, you know the one, from the Hovis advert, you know, the Hovis tune.
CA. Yeah it’s good.
KD. And, if you think about it, this symphony would collapse if it wasn’t for that most famous tune in the world , the Hovis one, etc and so on.
(3VS Disclaimer. The last sentence in this interview may not necessarily have been said at all.)
KD. Now we are going to hear the most famous tune in all classical music. Dvorak New World Symphony.
I’m here with the Cor Anglais player. So what’s it like to play this famous tune, you know the one, from the Hovis advert, you know, the Hovis tune.
CA. Yeah it’s good.
KD. And, if you think about it, this symphony would collapse if it wasn’t for that most famous tune in the world , the Hovis one, etc and so on.
(3VS Disclaimer. The last sentence in this interview may not necessarily have been said at all.)