On a car journey today I turned the radio on at some time between 11am and 12 midday.
I was at first intrigued and eventually shocked to hear several movements of the Bach D minor 'cello suite 'attacked' and musically distorted.
At first I assumed that it was a 'fly on the wall' recording of maybe a 'Grade 8' exam.. but no, at the end ( blissfull) Rob told us that it was Pablo Casals and that maybe many listeners would be 'tearful'...
I wasn't 'tearful' at all but I was immensely saddened to think that this frequently scratchy, rhythmically wilful reading has been for many years praised and touted as 'gospel' by ( deaf?) musical critics and commentators!
I am fully aware that my comments are of course extremely 'iconoclastic' but am I alone in my views?
I was at first intrigued and eventually shocked to hear several movements of the Bach D minor 'cello suite 'attacked' and musically distorted.
At first I assumed that it was a 'fly on the wall' recording of maybe a 'Grade 8' exam.. but no, at the end ( blissfull) Rob told us that it was Pablo Casals and that maybe many listeners would be 'tearful'...
I wasn't 'tearful' at all but I was immensely saddened to think that this frequently scratchy, rhythmically wilful reading has been for many years praised and touted as 'gospel' by ( deaf?) musical critics and commentators!
I am fully aware that my comments are of course extremely 'iconoclastic' but am I alone in my views?