Originally posted by kernelbogey
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there was a time in the good old days when you could turn R3 on at any time, confident of hearing
It might not be of interest to you personally, but given the general quality of programming, there would be someone to whom it would appeal/be of interest. And the next programme stood a chance of being something to listen to. Now, when so much of the output is of the chat'n'bits format, that is no longer the case unless you happen to like large quantities of such material. I have now reached the limit of my tolerance and on weekdays have taken to switching off after Breakfast - either by actually operating the off switch, or by leaving it on in the background and not actively listening most of the time - a habit I now need to break. It may go back on for CotW and the lunchtime concert, depending on what's on offer and whether I'm in or out, and then that's it for the day as the majority of evening concerts have for some months now not been of interest. Saturdays have long been off days, and from April it looks as if Sundays will join them due to the gaps between programmes I want to hear instead of the current run through from 12 to 4 - or 5 depending on my mood.
So "nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be..." when I have to get kitted out, say farewell to R3, other than on special occasions, and move to catch up TTN, and online alternatives. I find that a sad prospect.