Originally posted by AuntDaisy
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Through the Night
Originally posted by Heldenleben View PostImpressive persistence . They should really give you a job...
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostThanks Nick A, very tempted by the Le Sage.
(Enjoyed the Sibelius Lemminkainen Suite, Schutz now...)
(I see Fauré is next week’s COTW - no quintets scheduled but there is one of the piano quartets which are good too)"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostThat's 10 minutes of my life I won't get back!
Both TTN errors took 4 pages of questions and at least 21 clicks + huge amounts of typing (DD MM YY date as separate edit boxes - what century are we living in!) They don't make it easy to complain & I'm sure it's got worse!!!
The only good bit of news was that someone has reported the wretched Amazon Alexa stream failure problems (again)...
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostWhat's happening to "Through the Night" on iPlayer / Sounds?
The most recent Bruckner 5 has an interruption ~1:06:01 with a lady discussing China! Really jarring!!!!!
And Monday's Barber's Violin Concerto & Mendelssohn 4 is missing the first few minutes.Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostThat's 10 minutes of my life I won't get back!
Both TTN errors took 4 pages of questions and at least 21 clicks + huge amounts of typing (DD MM YY date as separate edit boxes - what century are we living in!) They don't make it easy to complain & I'm sure it's got worse!!!
The Barber still looks to be late missing the start...
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostWell, the Bruckner has been updated on SOUNDS and comes with a "This programme has been edited since broadcast" announcement - well done BBC.
The Barber still looks to be late missing the start...
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostWell, the Bruckner has been updated on SOUNDS and comes with a "This programme has been edited since broadcast" announcement - well done BBC.
The Barber still looks to be late missing the start...
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostTerrible pun!
Anyway, the Barber is now complete (& edited down to its usual 6 hours, including the Petrock Trelawny announcement.)
Originally posted by LMcD View PostI'm afraid I'm going to have to relieve Petroc of his 'k' - although he's much more deserving of one than some recipients I could name.
Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostApologies. It was in a book that I read to one of the children years ago - someone had a pet rock, Trelawny. Answers, on a postcard, to...
Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam
You are Petroc and (super Hans!) on this pet Rock shall I build My church
Originally posted by vinteuil View Post... I imagine you are referring to Matthew 16:18
Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam
You are Petroc and (super Hans!) on this pet Rock shall I build My church
Motectus senis vocibus ad Communio in festo SS. Apostolorum Petri et PauliMotet for six voices at Communion at the feast of Saints Peter and Paul (June, 29)I...
Finally found it via Google - "Magyk" by Angie Sage; pet rock link.
Missa Papae Marcelli for tomorrow's listening - thanks!Last edited by AuntDaisy; 16-05-21, 20:14.