Through the Night

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  • amateur51

    Originally posted by Roehre View Post
    I agree 100% regarding TtN's wonderul eclecticism and I love the programme for it as you do, kernelbogey.

    But a lot of recycling is going on. The Louis Andriessen piece is approximately the only one of this composer to feature in TtN, and it has been broadcast some 4 or 5 times by now the last two years approximately.
    If you keep an eye for a couple of months on what's actually programmed, you'll see that quite a lot of music gets this recycling-treatment, to mention a couple from recent weeks: Beethoven's trio opus 11 with an oboe, Enescu's Isis, this Andriessen, Meersemaecker's funeral march, Ratio pieces, Suchon pieces, to mentio some from the top of my head.

    Nevertheless, also IMO one of the best programmes on R3
    Agreed, agreed, agreed

    I often play it during the morning while the twitterers are on, before the real music programmes start in the afternoon


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      I think TtN is recycled in 3 2 hour 'chunks' so sometimes one bit of an old programme surfaces again with new 'companion' items.


      • Crowcatcher

        As a partial insomniac, I have long been a devotee of TTN, so, as the "Breakfast" programme has become so appalling, I record TTN on my Freesat PVR to replay later, broadcasting it around the house using a little MP3 fm transmitter. That way I have the very best R3 presenters and much music that would not normally be heard anywhere else on R3.
        I've tried listening to the "new" Breakfast programme and find myself agreeing with most of what has been said about it on the thread elswhere.


        • kernelbogey
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5882

          Originally posted by Roehre View Post
          [....] But a lot of recycling is going on.... you'll see that quite a lot of music gets this recycling-treatment,[....]
          Yes I have begun to notice this. I also noticed that Breakfast on Sunday (25th) included the Schubert Notturno trio movement which had been broadcast only 2 hours previously on TTN. You'd think they'd check....


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26628

            Originally posted by Crowcatcher View Post
            I record TTN... That way I have the very best R3 presenters and much music that would not normally be heard anywhere else on R3.
            I've tried listening to the "new" Breakfast programme and find myself agreeing with most of what has been said about it on the thread elswhere.

            Agreed 100%. I find that one good TTN keeps me going for the whole week of morning listening before leaving for work so try and check out the programmes during the weekend and then set the recording for the relevant evening. It's a great resource.
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • kernelbogey
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5882

              I caught this during the night:

              1:58 AM Stravinsky, Igor [1882-1971], Petrushka, arr. Mogensen and Kjøller for accordion duet MYTHOS

              It's the sort of oddity that you would get only on TTN. I think it's worth a listen, if only (to paraphrase Dr Johnson) not merely because it was done well but because it was done at all. I had happened to hear the piece in full orchestral score not long before, when I was again struck by the extraordinary inventiveness of melody and scoring in this remarkable work. I think these two accordionists, who had won the Danish Radio Chamber Music competition, having been playing together since they were children, made a pretty good reduction for their instruments.


              • doversoul1
                Ex Member
                • Dec 2010
                • 7132

                This is from Wednesday. Nielsen is not a composer I know very much about but I thoroughly enjoyed the sequence with just a few quiet words in between.
                12:31 AM
                Nielsen, Carl [1865-1931]
                Aladdin - suite (7 pieces) (from incidental music Op.34)
                Odense Symphony Orchestra, Charles Olivieri-Munro (conductor)
                12:56 AM
                Nielsen, Carl [1865-1931]
                Concerto FS.119 for flute and orchestra
                Adriana Ferreira (flute), Odense Symphony Orchestra, Charles Olivieri-Munro (conductor)
                1:15 AM
                Nielsen, Carl [1865-1931]
                Symphony no. 1 in G minor Op.7
                Odense Symphony Orchestra, Charles Olivieri-Munro (conductor)

                TTN is now definitely my TTM. I have noticed some repeats and odd occasions when the presenter must be reading the comment from the same source but that doesn’t bother me too much. Music rules on TTN.

                I am now listening to JC Bach from Thursday’s programme.


                • BetweenTheStaves

                  Originally posted by Crowcatcher View Post
                  As a partial insomniac, I have long been a devotee of TTN, so, as the "Breakfast" programme has become so appalling, I record TTN on my Freesat PVR to replay later, broadcasting it around the house using a little MP3 fm transmitter. That way I have the very best R3 presenters and much music that would not normally be heard anywhere else on R3.
                  I've tried listening to the "new" Breakfast programme and find myself agreeing with most of what has been said about it on the thread elswhere.
                  I like the idea of using the PVR as that doesn't eat into ones' internet download budget. What transmitter do you use? Presumably it takes in audio as opposed to anything digitally exotic like USB?


                  • BetweenTheStaves

                    Does anyone know if you can easily listen to TTN with an Internet Radio? Gut feel suggests not since I think that the only way is via iPlayer and hence you need a browser which I don't think happens with an Internet radio.


                    • kernelbogey
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 5882

                      Originally posted by BetweenTheStaves View Post
                      Does anyone know if you can easily listen to TTN with an Internet Radio? Gut feel suggests not since I think that the only way is via iPlayer and hence you need a browser which I don't think happens with an Internet radio.
                      Yes - you can listen to all the BBC output via internet radio as broadcast. Perhaps you meant time-delayed...?


                      • BetweenTheStaves

                        Yes I did. So I could listen to TTN instead of 3beebies during the morning.


                        • kernelbogey
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 5882

                          A delightful bit of baroque playing this morning on TTN:
                          5:21 AM: Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764), Suite from Platée (Junon jalouse); Concerto Copenhagen, Lars Ulrik Mortensen (director)

                          Aimez-vous Rameau?


                          • doversoul1
                            Ex Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 7132

                            This was rather good, too.
                            Saturday 19th.
                            John Shea presents a concert given by Academia 1750, including Pergolesi's Stabat Mater.

                            Reichenauer, Fasch, Rebel and Pergolesi’s Stabat mater


                            • kernelbogey
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 5882

                              Yes DS, heard some of that, too. John Shea has a gentle wit that I like a lot. TTN the last bastion of the old R3 style, I think. BW, kb


                              • EdgeleyRob
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 12180

                                TTN and the lunchtime concerts are the best thing on (diet) radio 3 IMO.

