Originally posted by antongould
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I go by the people who do express their views. But, as I've said, the potential audience for a lighter style of programme is going to be larger. That's the gamble the R3 management is taking - that they'll desert whatever station they're currently listening to and switch to Radio 3 instead.
As a regular listener to Your Call the participants seem to be mostly long standing knowledgeable listeners this morning's even chose Bruckner. On the quiz as my fellow shill says they seem to get loads of answers to questions that are way beyond me.
I remain convinced in my imbecilic view that 06.30 to 12.00 since the changes is considerably better that what filled the space before.

That aside, my conviction is that there should be serious arts broadcasting, including classical music, on Radio 3. To remove that serious programming (which precludes quizzes, phone-ins, text messages about favourite smells, discussions about what your choice of sandwich filling reveals about you &c in between pieces of music) - or rather to leave only a few vestiges here and there - from the entire morning schedule, which is the most popular time for listening, does not fulfil my view of what Radio 3 should do. And I hope very much the enterprise is a failure in the one respect in which it hopes to succeed, namely, attracting more listeners.