Cavatina, you clearly understand the issues but don't care about Radio 3; your mind runs on marketing rather than the intrinsic value of culture.
Groups that aren't practical-minded-- whether they're record companies, orchestras, or radio stations-- quickly find themselves in the red and eventually out of operation. It's a sad fact that the entire sector is being mismanaged into the ground by high-minded, well-meaning people with nothing but the best intentions. No amount of concern for the "intrinsic value of culture" is going to change the fact that policymaking by people who don't have the slightest conception of what it take for an organization to succeed is a recipe for failure.
I honestly believe that if you took the slightest trouble over the practical concerns you find so distasteful, you'd find yourself in a far better position to make much more of an impact. Even if nobody at the BBC cares what you think, you could be seriously pressuring them by raising all kinds of hell via a shrewd use of the media. If I were you, I'd be re-thinking that whole "playing nice in exchange for crumbs of access" thing.
A leopard and its spots. Or was it a zebra and its stripes? Anyway, this is a concern of Radio3 listeners and not a discussion just for the fun of it.
This wretched new lineup isn't to my taste at all...wouldn't tune in for bit of it. Won't somebody please think of the specialists!? "Essential Classics?"--Good grief, how banal...wonder which record company exec thought of that one.
...As you wish.