Originally posted by Sir Velo
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"and this year's Proms have gone overboard with regard to jazz and popular music. You wouldn't find Mozart or Beethoven on Radio 1 or 2 so is it just Radio 3 trying to be "hip" yet again? "
I had a point too about Radio 3 not being just a classical music station. The televised Proms are the choice of higher-up brass than the controller of Radio 3 who would love to see more classical music on the mainstream services. This is a point made in the FoR3 submission to Ofcom, a copy of which found its way on to the Director General's desk (he, I'm given to understand, has 'noted' the comments …).
The sad reality is that services which are deemed to cater for large audiences go for the populist lighter music (of whatever sort). This is nothing new and can't be laid at Radio 3's door.