Originally posted by Serial_Apologist
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Radio 3 Unwind starts on the 4th of November
I was saddened by the Sunday Times article, which, once again, misses the point about the state of Radio 3. A missed opportunity.
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Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
Sound of Cinema strikes me as an odd choice, but then I suspect the writer is not aware of EMS which would be a better example of historical and cultural insight. I don't know about 'serious music exploration' (shades of recent posts on the FNIMN thread), but more music broadcast as the composer intended, ie complete, would be good. But as you say "You'll be lucky", and in any case ditching drama to achieve it is not an acceptable move.
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Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostBut don't forget - it's a success, the figures say so!
"Jackson has his detractors, but also his fans: in the last period surveyed, Radio 3 registered a 10 per cent increase in listenership year-on-year."
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Originally posted by french frank View PostI noted: "But there is, too, a nagging disquiet about being manipulated by a mawkish schedule." And not only on R3Unwind. We now have Radio Mindful v Radio Mindless. In addition to Classic FM and its spin-offs.
"Jackson has his detractors, but also his fans: in the last period surveyed, Radio 3 registered a 10 per cent increase in listenership year-on-year."
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I noted: "But there is, too, a nagging disquiet about being manipulated by a mawkish schedule." And not only on R3Unwind. We now have Radio Mindful v Radio Mindless. In addition to Classic FM and its spin-offs.
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Originally posted by AuntDaisy View PostThanks Pulcinella - an interesting read.
"Any regular listener to Radio 3 or 4 cannot have missed the frequent dulcet-toned, come-hither call-outs for Radio 3 Unwind."
"[Unwind] is not radio designed to make a listener sit up straight, but to feel cocooned. On Radio 3 proper the purpose is often more pedagogical. Programmes like Donald Macleod’s Composer of the Week or Matthew Sweet’s Sound of Cinema offer historical and cultural insight. On Unwind the intention seems to be to woo an audience who want passive, classy easy listening."
Well, it used to beSadly, I'm listening to far fewer COTWs than I used to. Sound of Cinema - possibly heard a couple of programmes?
"Personally, I hope recent decisions such as axing drama from Radio 3 are to make more space for serious music exploration."
You'll be lucky.
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Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
"Any regular listener to Radio 3 or 4 cannot have missed the frequent dulcet-toned, come-hither call-outs for Radio 3 Unwind."
"[Unwind] is not radio designed to make a listener sit up straight, but to feel cocooned. On Radio 3 proper the purpose is often more pedagogical. Programmes like Donald Macleod’s Composer of the Week or Matthew Sweet’s Sound of Cinema offer historical and cultural insight. On Unwind the intention seems to be to woo an audience who want passive, classy easy listening."
Well, it used to beSadly, I'm listening to far fewer COTWs than I used to. Sound of Cinema - possibly heard a couple of programmes?
"Personally, I hope recent decisions such as axing drama from Radio 3 are to make more space for serious music exploration."
You'll be lucky.
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Originally posted by smittims View PostI can never decide whether people who write these letters are dupes or are paid to do so. Nearly everything in that letter is wrong or irrelevant.
I myself once had a letter published in Radio Times in which I complained about the lack of letters from readers complaining about other readers who complained about people who appeared on programmes in which studio guests were encouraged to complain about each other. They printed it, so I clearly had no need to complain.
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I listened to Unwind for a couple minutes this morning- for the first time. Usual plug for 'Sounds' then a load of 'adverisement speak' drivel before the next track.. But by then I was gone.
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Originally posted by smittims View PostI can never decide whether people who write these letters are dupes or are paid to do so. Nearly everything in that letter is wrong or irrelevant.
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I can never decide whether people who write these letters are dupes or are paid to do so. Nearly everything in that letter is wrong or irrelevant.
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