Radio 3 Unwind starts on the 4th of November

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  • LMcD
    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    Who, or what, is this Wellbeing so often referred to everywhere? I was told it was the Archbishop of Canterbury!
    You got that in justin time, I would say.

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  • french frank
    Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
    I blame Max Richter...

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  • oddoneout
    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Looking at the schedule it appears that Night Tracks is on Radio Unwind - as well as Radio 3 . Next step replace it on R3 with something sensible and let the Night Trackers switch over to Unwind which has now found its natural home. I can't believe that the BBC - and Radio 3 - are marketing classical music as 'music to go to sleep to'. Is there a more effective way to devalue it? It ranks with playing it in shopping centres to disperse the gangs of late night hooligans.
    I blame Max Richter...

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  • DracoM
    Alas, I fear both above are right. CFM wins?
    Am increasingly using European radio stns post 8 p.m.
    Poor are those who cannot access an escape online from the eviscerated and sliding into ignominy R3!

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    I can't believe that the BBC - and Radio 3 - are marketing classical music as 'music to go to sleep to'. Is there a more effective way to devalue it? It ranks with playing it in shopping centres to disperse the gangs of late night hooligans.
    Not if classical music is actually supposed to be listened to - we already have ample evidence demonstrating that the Management don't think so any more.

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  • french frank
    Looking at the schedule it appears that Night Tracks is on Radio Unwind - as well as Radio 3 . Next step replace it on R3 with something sensible and let the Night Trackers switch over to Unwind which has now found its natural home. I can't believe that the BBC - and Radio 3 - are marketing classical music as 'music to go to sleep to'. Is there a more effective way to devalue it? It ranks with playing it in shopping centres to disperse the gangs of late night hooligans.

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  • french frank
    Originally posted by smittims View Post
    I'm just relieved it hasn't replaced ThroughThe Night, which might easily have happened, so maybe For3 did have some influence there. I sometimes think Sam eyes TTN as a property developer eyes a few green fields and a patch of woodland between two housing estates in Oxfordshire.
    It was his predecessor that introduced the easy listening late night programmes which encroached on TTN. I think they've more or less gone. I have no objection to the late night jazz (I mean no theoretical objection - I don't listen) because that has at various times been a regular jazz slot (eg Jazz Notes with Digby Fairweather). What Mr Jackson, or CR3 as we say in BBC parlance, has in mind I've no idea. But perhaps giving him some ideas would be no bad thing?

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  • smittims
    I'm just relieved it hasn't replaced ThroughThe Night, which might easily have happened, so maybe For3 did have some influence there. I sometimes think Sam eyes TTN as a property developer eyes a few green fields and a patch of woodland between two housing estates in Oxfordshire.

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  • Serial_Apologist
    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    It occurred to me that the only success FoR3 had in persuading the BBC they should think again was when they reduced the audio quality of R3 in order to assign the necessary bandwidth to a looped trail as a placemarker for Radio 5 Sports Extra when it was off air. The BBC boffins assured the managers that the reduction in bandwidth would not be detectable by the human ear. I printed off pages of forum posts complaining about it in order to persuade the Director of Radio that on the contrary the decrease in audio quality was very noticeable and unacceptable. They did reverse their decision and I received a letter from the Director of Radio notifying me.

    So, I don't think we would have much joy in persuading them that RadioUnwind should be abolished, but we might persuade them that it should be completely separate from Radio 3, that what it offers is for a different audience. I would therefore suggest a name change from Radio 3 Unwind to BBC Radio Unwind, or even Classical Unwind, and explain to them that classical music is not quintessentially 'calming' and that most classical music lasts for longer than 4 or 5 minutes. I'm collating the bests forum posts for a similar, very polite, missive, copied to the DG, of course.
    Surely this is a wind up??!!!

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  • french frank
    It occurred to me that the only success FoR3 had in persuading the BBC they should think again was when they reduced the audio quality of R3 in order to assign the necessary bandwidth to a looped trail as a placemarker for Radio 5 Sports Extra when it was off air. The BBC boffins assured the managers that the reduction in bandwidth would not be detectable by the human ear. I printed off pages of forum posts complaining about it in order to persuade the Director of Radio that on the contrary the decrease in audio quality was very noticeable and unacceptable. They did reverse their decision and I received a letter from the Director of Radio notifying me.

    So, I don't think we would have much joy in persuading them that RadioUnwind should be abolished, but we might persuade them that it should be completely separate from Radio 3, that what it offers is for a different audience. I would therefore suggest a name change from Radio 3 Unwind to BBC Radio Unwind, or even Classical Unwind, and explain to them that classical music is not quintessentially 'calming' and that most classical music lasts for longer than 4 or 5 minutes. I'm collating the bests forum posts for a similar, very polite, missive, copied to the DG, of course.

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  • DracoM

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    As usual, this is Radio 3 copying Classic FM. Rather pathetic really.

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  • Crowcatcher
    Just looked at the schedule and had a quick "listen" - another nail in the BBC's "coffin"!!
    I have about a dozen Internet stations as the first on my vRadio list (all publically funded national broadcasters) all much better than R3.

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  • french frank
    Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
    I've just come across this
    Too many posts to have read all but the later comments might be of interest, and the thread title confirms that it will be available on DAB?
    I read this comment: "If the "Radio 3 Chill" station gets approved I'll be amazed. That obviously impacts stations in the commercial sector."
    Last edited by french frank; 05-11-24, 10:48.

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  • french frank
    Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post
    Sean Rafferty just called it BBC Rewind so clearly he hasn’t heard those terrible incessant trails.
    Mr R clearly confusing it with Radio Rewind, perhaps more familiar to him?

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