The Eternal Breakfast Debate in a New Place

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  • Black Swan

    I have given up on Sunday Morning as well. I do sometimes give a listen but only if RC is not presenting. I was in the car this a.m. going out to get the paper at 9:00 and was totally put off immediately by what was being played. I am now enjoying my CD collection on Sunday morning without, trivial tweets, inane commentary or pleas for a message in the bottle. Such only wants to drive me to the bottle. But 9 is a bit early for that.



    • Old Grumpy
      Full Member
      • Jan 2011
      • 3685

      Alright, I coming out!

      I am a weekday, drivetime Breakfast listener and do enjoy the show. Don't listen much at the weekends, I must admit.

      However I do do not Tweet and I do not "do" Facebook.



      • cloughie
        Full Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 22256

        Originally posted by Black Swan View Post
        I have given up on Sunday Morning as well. I do sometimes give a listen but only if RC is not presenting. I was in the car this a.m. going out to get the paper at 9:00 and was totally put off immediately by what was being played. I am now enjoying my CD collection on Sunday morning without, trivial tweets, inane commentary or pleas for a message in the bottle. Such only wants to drive me to the bottle. But 9 is a bit early for that.

        I've heard Rob do some great stuff on Sunday mornings but this morning's playlist looks like CFM2 in spades!


        • Black Swan

          Well I am happy for you that you enjoy RC on Sunday morning. I respect your right to enjoy. But I am not a fan and find his love of his own voice annoying and not what I look for in a presenter. But for those who do, enjoy.



          • teamsaint
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 25272

            I can live with a bit of lightweight stuff in the morning, but this morning...2 minutes...the Swingles...AGAIN....and then lovely Nicky"establishment" Campbell learning to play the piano..even the rather downbeat Johnny Cash album in my CD player was a relief.
            please somebody make it stop.
            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

            I am not a number, I am a free man.


            • AndyJW
              Full Member
              • Jan 2011
              • 78

              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
              We got into the car this morning, delighted to find and hear the second half of the classic performance of Renard, with Ansemet, only to be rudely awakened within a microsecond of the last triumphal chord by RC, eagerly reporting on someone's trivial tweet.

              Surely a work such as this deserves at least a second or two to be digested and relished, just as much as one ending in a quiet passage?
              Once upon a time there were Radio 3 silences! Andy


              • french frank
                • Feb 2007
                • 30722

                Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                I can live with a bit of lightweight stuff in the morning, but this morning...2 minutes...the Swingles...AGAIN....and then lovely Nicky"establishment" Campbell learning to play the piano..even the rather downbeat Johnny Cash album in my CD player was a relief.
                please somebody make it stop.
                I had an anguished email from someone on Wednesday saying he'd switched on to hear the presenter inviting emails and texts about their 'voice crushes', followed by reading out the names of a dozen singers who listeners had texted in about. Oh, here's another text: it says ... Mark Padmore . And another ... Jonas Kaufmann . And Paul Robeson .

                I'm sure that some people do find that very suitable for a Breakfast Show. I find it rather manipulative and sinister.
                It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                • salymap
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5969

                  Originally posted by french frank View Post
                  I had an anguished email from someone on Wednesday saying he'd switched on to hear the presenter inviting emails and texts about their 'voice crushes', followed by reading out the names of a dozen singers who listeners had texted in about. Oh, here's another text: it says ... Mark Padmore . And another ... Jonas Kaufmann . And Paul Robeson .

                  I'm sure that some people do find that very suitable for a Breakfast Show. I find it rather manipulative and sinister.
                  Not to mention just plain BORING.


                  • teamsaint
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 25272

                    Originally posted by salymap View Post
                    Not to mention just plain BORING.
                    so manipulative, sinister, boring and .....
                    Not that long ago I used to quite enjoy "Breakfast"....

                    I did have the misfortune to catch about 10 seconds of the voice crush the Campbell piano lesson, genuinely feeble.
                    An A level class could put on a better show without even stubbing their cigs out and trying... but somebody somewhere wants thought relegated to the dark corners of the schedules.
                    Least thats how I see it.
                    I am now going to calm down, listen to the Sibelius violin concerto, and cook smoked Haddock casserole..the joys of a half day off !!
                    I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                    I am not a number, I am a free man.


                    • Black Swan

                      Would that we could make it stop. Stop the endless wittering on about why I quit the piano at 5 and want to take it up at 75. Sarah MP has hit rock bottom as have they all. The presenters have either:
                      1. Bought into the pound and just present what they are told.
                      2. Had full frontal Lobotomies.
                      3. Don't care and just take the sterling which is I guess a repetition of 1.

                      I am happy to miss them bringing in the host of Breakfast on BBC5 to discuss his taking lessons for Jazz.

                      All of this make me love CD's more by the day. At least it gets me out of bed by wanting to smash my clock radio for bringing me the silliness that has become Breakfast.



                      • MickyD
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 4901

                        I haven't listened to Breakfast for the last six months or so...every now and then I check in to this thread in the hope that the comments have improved. Sadly they seem even more disparaging than ever, so like Black Swan, I will continue to start every morning by listening to my CDs.


                        • Paul Sherratt

                          Now I'll be really interested in the scoring forumistas will give to Private Passions episodes when its taken over by 'Strictly Come Dancing' regulars, later in the year !
                          Will the programmes be trailed on the telly ?


                          • french frank
                            • Feb 2007
                            • 30722

                            Originally posted by Paul Sherratt View Post
                            Now I'll be really interested in the scoring forumistas will give to Private Passions episodes when its taken over by 'Strictly Come Dancing' regulars, later in the year !
                            Didn't Mr Anthony Beke appear as a guest on Breakfast a few years ago? There must be SCD fans around the R3 productions teams ...
                            It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                            • Paul Sherratt

                              >>Didn't Mr Anthony Beke appear as a guest on Breakfast a few years ago?

                              That would be a question for a 'Breakfast' listener, ff.
                              Last edited by Guest; 25-09-12, 13:56.


                              • fugophile

                                I was very disappointed that we were denied an Elgar orchestration of Bach by some "conservatives" this morning (Mohr-Pietsch even read out some of the ringleaders of this roll of shame). Not that I have anything against the "original"; just that bowing to audience pressure in this way sets a very worrying precedent. Personally I see nothing controversial in an orchestration (not least because Bach was a prolific transcriber), but even there were, surely Radio 3 would be the right place to broadcast it.
                                As a child, I grew up on the Radio 3 diet at a time when the programming was adventurous and free from the gimmicks such as the classical charts. It was an important part of my musical education.

