Originally posted by Old Grumpy
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The Eternal Breakfast Debate in a New Place
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
Sometimes seen under the windowsill of an elderly person's house as a result of blowing the chaff off the bird's seed container at an open window, and I gather the popularity of wild bird feeders has led to some 'interesting' additions to gardens. An allotment friend got a shock one year visiting her plot after a period away looking after her mother to find a large unfamiliar plant among her veg. She got into quite a state, imagining all sorts of unpleasant attention from the law( those were the days when police officers could occasionally be sighted in town...), but we reassured her, dug it up and buried it in the compost heap.
*which reminds of the story of the chap who named his budgie Onan...
*Ah, so you spotted the reference...
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
I did a double take, but forgave her(we don't know if it was entirely her own idea after all) for giving warning at various points of the outbreaks of advert intrusion.
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
Indeed - and I'm not sure why I misspelt the name. The cereal was an occasional treat on the weekend breakfast table, but the box didn't go far between a family of 5.
9 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal- What are oats?
- Nutrient-rich
- Antioxidants
- Soluble fiber
- Improve heart health
- Lower blood sugar
- Promote weight loss
- Benefits to skin
- May reduce childhood asthma
- Constipation relief
Originally posted by cloughie View PostDoesn’t mean a thing to me - I was recently quite surprised to see porridge on the list of junk foodsIt isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by french frank View Post
I think it only rates as 'junk' if it contains additives - sugar, salt, preservatives, flavourings &c. These would be branded products rated as ultraprocessed. Just the raw ingredients are fine.
Originally posted by cloughie View Post
Doesn’t mean a thing to me - I was recently quite surprised to see porridge on the list of junk foods - I can’t think why organic oats, water and a smidgen of salt for the cooking of it in the microwave with a squirt of honey and a little skimmed milk would be deemed to transgress the ‘not good for you’ boundaries.
9 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal
The issue with porridge is that food manufacturers have hi-jacked an innocent and healthy item to churn out versions that are less healthy because of the added ingredients. In the overall scheme of things they are probably still preferable to the likes of cornflakes and rice cereal as the base is (mostly) whole grain, but better still would be the traditional oats and liquid cooked, with optional(and ideally not too much)salt, sweetening etc. - in other words what most of us would recognise as porridge. Instant porridge that is just the grain, without added sugar/salt wouldn't be included in the junk food list, even though it is more processed than 'proper' porridge.
Originally posted by kernelbogey View PostWell, we had a complete work (Bach Violin Concerto) before 7 today. Someone's listening....