The Eternal Breakfast Debate in a New Place

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  • doversoul1
    Ex Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 7132

    Re: Ian Skelly / the presenter’s choice
    I wrote to IS asking if it would be possible to publish the list of music played after R3 Live in Concert. This is his answer to my query:

    I will take this issue up with the producers who suggest material for the slot. On the night itself it can often be very frantic behind the scenes making sure the music I play fits the gap available, which is always a last minute thing
    It can be like landing a jumbo jet on a postage stamp

    I took this to mean that he had (not small) part in selecting the music played.

    Re: Beni Mora
    I turned the radio off at 8.30 to avoid having to listen to IS doing the chore, and missed almost all the rest of the programme so I can’t comment on what happened. But I would rather presenters be honest than pretending to know everything and prattling on to cover up or just playing what they can safely talk about. As ff mentions in her post, IS is not a reviewer or a critic but a broadcaster and I think an excellent one as to that. Let’s not pick on things that are not based on their (IS & other broadcasters) inadequate professionalism.


    • salymap
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5969

      Originally posted by Caliban View Post

      Second that ammy, with enthusiasm, and also Ferret's comments about the miscasting of RC esp in those horrid interviews.

      How much longer can they go on? That bloody weather forecaster with the claw-like hands last week
      I 'third' that regarding Rob Cowan. in the days of the BBC boards I found him willing to give me time in private emails, not for a particular programmes, to advance my knowledge of works like Bluebeard's Castle.

      As I immodestly told him we had similar backgrounds, he at Boosey, I at Augener, However I didn't acquire one hundredth of his knowledge unfortunately. I feel sorry for him now in the wrong job really.


      • cloughie
        Full Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 22270

        Originally posted by salymap View Post
        I 'third' that regarding Rob Cowan. in the days of the BBC boards I found him willing to give me time in private emails, not for a particular programmes, to advance my knowledge of works like Bluebeard's Castle.

        As I immodestly told him we had similar backgrounds, he at Boosey, I at Augener, However I didn't acquire one hundredth of his knowledge unfortunately. I feel sorry for him now in the wrong job really.
        As the guest list scrapes the barrel I think our best chance is to lose the slot on the back of cuts, THEN conversion of EC back to the CDM format.


        • Nick Armstrong
          • Nov 2010
          • 26628

          Originally posted by cloughie View Post
          As the guest list scrapes the barrel I think our best chance is to lose the slot on the back of cuts, THEN conversion of EC back to the CDM format.
          My thoughts precisely
          "...the isle is full of noises,
          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


          • Norfolk Born

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            My thoughts precisely
            Same here!


            • antongould
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 8871

              Don't know if it has been commented on elsewhere but Petroc and/or his producer dropped a bit of a b****** on Breakfast this morning around the flagship Your Call. A young viola player praised Rebecca Clarke most highly and asked for Morpheus but what was played was Lullaby. Profuse apologies and then the correct piece was played - both very nice to my a ears from a lady who, as with others, was introduced to me by Mr. Heffer.
              A very revealing story of Clarke's use of the name Anthony Trent too.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by antongould View Post
                Don't know if it has been commented on elsewhere but Petroc and/or his producer dropped a bit of a b****** on Breakfast this morning around the flagship Your Call. A young viola player praised Rebecca Clarke most highly and asked for Morpheus but what was played was Lullaby. Profuse apologies and then the correct piece was played - both very nice to my a ears from a lady who, as with others, was introduced to me by Mr. Heffer.
                A very revealing story of Clarke's use of the name Anthony Trent too.

                I actually heard the call-in and was most impressed by the articulate A-level student who was speaking. Maturity and intelligence in her every word, a welcome oasis in the triviathon of the programme. I had to go and do something else when the piece started and so missed the b******... but returned and was surprised to hear 'Morpheus' end, thinking 'that's a good long piece'... You explain why!! *doh*

                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • Black Swan

                  Rob Cowan is pompous. I cannot tolerate his pomposity. I do not listen to any programs who invite him to participate. For me and this is only my opinion he has no standing any longer as a critic or source of information on music.



                  • kernelbogey
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5881

                    I cannot hear the Elgar Pomp and Circumstance No 1 without the ghastly jingoistic words of Land of Hope and Glory coming to mind. So I detest hearing it on Breakfast.

                    If you've been watching any of Paxo's series on Empire, you might share my good reasons for detesting the words of this anthem: poor Elgar.


                    • Norfolk Born

                      Originally posted by Black Swan View Post
                      Rob Cowan is pompous. I cannot tolerate his pomposity. I do not listen to any programs who invite him to participate. For me and this is only my opinion he has no standing any longer as a critic or source of information on music.

                      That's not very nice.
                      I agree with you


                      • Ferretfancy
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3487

                        Rob Cowan has been forced by circumstance to operate in a manner which simply doesn't suit him at all, in a programme infested with inane emails and trailers. The whole thing is getting like the back pages of the Radio Times, with Enid Bagwort of Neasden gushing about how Elgar's Nursery Suite took her back to the glad days of yesteryear. How can any intelligent man let himself be saddled with this sort of dross?
                        Moreover, he is ill equipped to interview people who are not musicians, and who have nothing to contribute except their own reminiscences. The only consolation in that is that when the interviewee is virtually tongue tied we get to hear more music. If they gave Rob the chance to talk with his very wide knowledge of the repertory,as he used to do,he could return to his best broadcasting self.


                        • James Wonnacott
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 253

                          He hasn't been forced to do anything of the sort. As far as I can tell he seems to enjoy presenting drivel filled programmes. He was the same on "breakfast" - text me this, email me that, let me know what you think- all in that silly voice more suited to an infant teacher.
                          He may well be extremely knowledgeable about music- perhaps he should write books on the subject.
                          And if I here "Thank you very much indeed" one more time I'm going to smash the radio!
                          I have a medical condition- I am fool intolerant.


                          • Norfolk Born

                            You can get very cheap radios (non-digital) in most charity shops!


                            • Nick Armstrong
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 26628

                              I must say I disagree with the criticism of Rob Cowan, I find him knowledgeable and genial - but totally miscast in the rôle of interviewer on Essential Classics. OK he wasn't 'forced' to do it - but the man needs a job like anyone else and he's not the only one who has had to compromise his strengths as a result of the rôle he finds himself having to fill as part of his employment and at the behest of his employer.

                              The interviews with the lady cricketer this week have been particularly strained, it seemed to me - tenuous links between sport and music leading to dodgy 'sequiturs' - the giveaway was that the 'slots' were very short - on one day, they'd run out of things to say and music to play after barely 20 minutes. Threadbare stuff. I still hope the 'guest spot' will be discreetly junked in the not too distant future
                              "...the isle is full of noises,
                              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                              • Norfolk Born

                                Was he stumped for something to ask? (Yes, I know, it's a wicket thing to say). I too shall be glad when the interview slot is ...over.

