Originally posted by oddoneout
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Posing a question doesn't target any individual. It's a 'class query' by which I don't mean as in social class but as in 'class action'. A group of people who have something in common (e.g. they listen to Breakfast/Essential Classics) are still individuals who probably differ from each other in more ways than they they resemble them. So posing a question about 'the Breakfast listener' doesn't mean Listener A, and Listener B and You and Me. It simply asks about the feelings of a 'significant number' of that group. As I've mentioned before, my brother has a PhD, he has written books, he knows more about classical music than I do - but when he listens to the radio he listens to Classic FM, likes it and has no curiosity to investigate Radio 3. I don't assume that he is "incapable of … accessing more worthwhile intellectually challenging fare".
Anything said about a group is a generalisation.