If the new format is, as seems possible, bringing new listeners to R3 can that be such a bad thing ..... ?????
Breakfast has improved - who knows why, I'm just glad it has - and although there are the inevitable irritations, they are fewer and the incidence of less familiar fare seems higher to me. Just looking at the playlist doesn't give the whole picture as the connections between pieces are much stronger than used to be the case but won't be apparent without the spoken elements. Comments from listeners(not all of whom are uninformed concentration-deficient inadequates ) add to the continuity by responding to themes or pieces, influencing items in subsequent programmmes. Yes some of the pieces thus broadcast may be silly, some are doubtless 'not R3 material', but there will also be gems, and encounters with the unknown which otherwise wouldn't occur.
It's a move in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. It does though seem to make the intrusion of the crass trailer trash even more annoying and I suspect(in fact I've read comments to that effect elsewhere) many of the 'new audience' will find them just as tiresome as the remnant old audience does.