The Eternal Breakfast Debate in a New Place

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  • James Wonnacott
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 255

    Call me anything you like- just as long as it's not late for dinner :)

    BTW What's the little blue square with a corner cut off that appears on every post???
    I have a medical condition- I am fool intolerant.


    • french frank
      • Feb 2007
      • 30903

      Originally posted by James Wonnacott View Post
      Call me anything you like- just as long as it's not late for dinner :)

      BTW What's the little blue square with a corner cut off that appears on every post???
      It just means 'post', the default icon. If you use the Go Advanced reply window, you have a selection of Post Icons to choose from. Like Mr Cool
      It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30903

        Originally posted by Gasteiner View Post
        Sorry to interrupt the flow of this fascinating discussion but I can't see a "new members introduction" thread, so I'll just say a quick hello here. I'm a long time listener to R3 and used to post on the R3 Message Board but haven't done so for a couple of years. Nor can I see a section relating to "Classical Collection". Is that subsumed in this general area?
        Hello and welcome, Gasteiner. I think there was a Welcome thread somewhere on Platform 3. We haven't got a Classical Collection forum because the Beeb boards didn't have one and we've started up with the identical ones here so that people feel at home.
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • french frank
          • Feb 2007
          • 30903

          By the way, Rob has posted a farewell message on the Beeb boards, for those that want to say goodbye.
          It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


          • Cellini

            The thing is, most of us like RC - BUT he is now having to front a really lousy programme that wastes his talent. Breakfast is the sort of programme you can find on all the other radio and TV channels and it really has no place on a serious arts channel like R3.

            It is a pity that people are beginning to call each other snobs and inverted snobs. Everyone has the right to make a criticism or comment about a certain style of programming, as I have done.

            Obviously there are people that like "Breakfast" and others who do not. I don't make a song and dance about it, I just never listen, or if I do it usually goes off after about 20 minutes.
            Last edited by Guest; 28-11-10, 13:16.


            • BetweenTheStaves

              Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
              I knew it wouldn't be long before the inverted snobs made their mark. I quite like Breakfast, but do find the texting nausiating.....
              I am with you 100%. I like Rob Cowan and his presentation style. I hate the texts and emails. I simply do not care what someone remembers listening to when they last flossed their teeth.


              • teamsaint
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 25324

                perhaps one problem eith Breakfast is that its just too long. Rob is fantastic, and the show suits my particular "lifestyle" (IE getting up early and working hard!!)...but, seriously, who is having breakfast at 10 AM?

                make the show 2 hours long, and give Rob for an hour at 9 to play whatever he wants, with just a few words of wisdom.....and , at the moment, throw in a weather forecast !!
                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                I am not a number, I am a free man.


                • antongould
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 8889

                  I would definitely vote for that teamsaint


                  • mercia
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 8920

                    Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                    give Rob for an hour at 9 to play whatever he wants
                    Apologies if I'm missing the point but doesn't Rob play whatever he wants currently, for the full 3 hours?


                    • Vile Consort
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 696

                      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                      but, seriously, who is having breakfast at 10 AM?
                      Absolutely! It's all I can do to drag myself out of bed by 10.30.


                      • Norfolk Born

                        If he does, that would make him one of the world's greatest admirers of Andre Rieu, whose offerings feature every week.


                        • mercia
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 8920

                          I am a very late latecomer (sorry for the bad English) to this discussion and I am sure you are all sick to death of making the same points over and over, however if we are saying that Mr Cowan and colleagues are playing some other (unknown) person's choice of music, not their own, in the Breakfast programme, they are certainly covering up their annoyance / boredom / frustration very well. It must be hell to go to work for them. They deserve a collective pay-rise.


                          • aka Calum Da Jazbo
                            Late member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 9173

                            did i hear correctly this am that there is gonna be another mozart fest thing?
                            According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.


                            • Frances_iom
                              Full Member
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 2434

                              Originally posted by hercule View Post
                              .. however if we are saying that Mr Cowan and colleagues are playing some other (unknown) person's choice of music, not their own, .
                              I suspect that Rob is more than capable of selecting his own (tho I suspect a couple of other might rely more heavily on researchers) - however the point is that there it is a committee decision (admitted to by Rob) that determines certain criteria eg music linked to whatever is to be 'plugged' that day in terms of orchestra, conductor,composer etc + also the trend to yet more and shorter works or most commonly 'bleeding chunks', which FF gave some outine statistics for.

                              Re another Mozart fest - yes - choose your favourite chunk - then a 'competition' to see who has guessed the most popular - maybe a prize of a Mozartkugel is envisaged (about all R3 can afford these days tho maybe the eText revenue can be used to fund it) - as mentioned many times on the now defunct R3 board the programme moves ever closer to CFm and IMO is only rescued by the expertise of Rob - just think how it would fare under Paul Gambaccini 'Professor of Pop' whose appearance in a built trailer this morning resurrected the horrors of some years ago when R3 started on itsdescent along the CFm path


                              • johnb
                                Full Member
                                • Mar 2007
                                • 2903

                                In general, I would guess that the presenters for Breakfast and Classical Collection are the front men/women and the choice of what is played is largely determined by the programme team working behind the presenter (despite all the "I have chosen..." talk), basing their decisions on the brief from the Radio 3 management.

                                I suspect that the extent to which individual presenters influence the choice of music varies. Rob, when he started on Breakfast, would have been in a strong position to insist that he had an influence in such matters. Probably much more influence than the other presenters have.

                                [Re-posted after test deletion.]

