The Eternal Breakfast Debate in a New Place

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  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    Originally posted by french frank View Post
    Actually, it's mine, but I'm not telling anyone
    Well, happy birthday, frenchie.

    I bet we could all guess what your "best musical present" might be.
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


    • cloughie
      Full Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 22271

      Originally posted by LeMartinPecheur View Post
      I've been listening to a certain Stravinsky ballet a lot recently and just can't seem to get on with Schelomo It's a recognized condition known as...

      ...Riter's Bloch
      You might get a response - but it could be like a voice in the wilderness!


      • Black Swan

        French Frank, I agree with you. My alarm now goes off so I can hear the end of TTN. I then promptly turn off at 6:30 and turn on the CD player. I have like you given up with tweets , your calls, and for me the most recent blather what music would you listen to for one pursuit or another. I now limit my R3 to Breakfast Sat and Sun if Martin H is presenting, CD Review and the Early Music Show.

        To bad I've been listening to R3 for 10 years since I moved here from the US.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38194

          Originally posted by french frank View Post
          Actually, it's mine, but I'm not telling anyone
          Wow! It's my ex-girlfriend's on Tuesday, and she's in Bristol!

          Very happy birthday ff - belatedly!


          • vinteuil
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 13197

            ... also the birthday of the lovely Queen Charlotte


            • mangerton
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3346

              Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
              ... also the birthday of the lovely Queen Charlotte

              Goodness! She's 169 today.

              I imagine that's quite a bit older than ff - to whom Many Happy Returns.


              • clive heath

                It has occurred to me that my friend probably deserves congratulations! after all it is Palestrina that she has requested and I can't imagine there has been much of this composer in the kettle on, toast in, slot.


                • french frank
                  • Feb 2007
                  • 30817

                  Originally posted by Anna View Post
                  perhaps we have been rather harsh on this thread when it's music that is so poignant to others
                  I would say that the duty of a national broadcaster is to broadcast its appropriate (e.g. music) material to its (national) audience, not to thrust individual members of the public into the (auditory) limelight. Memories of their most recent holiday, their personal taste in music, or their need for sympathy or company, whatever it is they want to 'share' is equally irrelevant.

                  They have a duty to their whole audience and the private lives of strangers are the stuff of those local radio programmes which provide 'human interest' stories as an important aspect of their 'entertainment'. In this respect there is also a distinction between a tabloid newspaper and a quality 'broadsheet'.
                  It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


                  • Anna

                    I must stop following Breakfast presenter's tweets. "Pavarotti sings the Duke of Mantua after 7.30. Plus Previn conducting Rachmaninov, and occasional Handel"
                    Is that like an occasional table? Produced from the garage to fill the gaps whilst entertaining?


                    • MickyD
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 4944

                      Originally posted by french frank View Post
                      I would say that the duty of a national broadcaster is to broadcast its appropriate (e.g. music) material to its (national) audience, not to thrust individual members of the public into the (auditory) limelight. Memories of their most recent holiday, their personal taste in music, or their need for sympathy or company, whatever it is they want to 'share' is equally irrelevant.

                      They have a duty to their whole audience and the private lives of strangers are the stuff of those local radio programmes which provide 'human interest' stories as an important aspect of their 'entertainment'. In this respect there is also a distinction between a tabloid newspaper and a quality 'broadsheet'.
                      Hear, hear, FF....very well put.


                      • Black Swan

                        Originally posted by french frank View Post
                        I would say that the duty of a national broadcaster is to broadcast its appropriate (e.g. music) material to its (national) audience, not to thrust individual members of the public into the (auditory) limelight. Memories of their most recent holiday, their personal taste in music, or their need for sympathy or company, whatever it is they want to 'share' is equally irrelevant.

                        They have a duty to their whole audience and the private lives of strangers are the stuff of those local radio programmes which provide 'human interest' stories as an important aspect of their 'entertainment'. In this respect there is also a distinction between a tabloid newspaper and a quality 'broadsheet'.

                        I totally agree, this reminds me of growing up in the Midwest with a call in line program, Over the Back Fence. Maybe we can take a lead from that and start exchanging recipes and house keeping information on Breakfast as well.



                        • Frances_iom
                          Full Member
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 2434

                          Originally posted by Black Swan View Post
                          ...Maybe we can take a lead from that and start exchanging recipes and house keeping information on Breakfast as well.
                          to help you along and to continue the "puffin" thread - an authentic recipe from manuscript -
                          To Souse Puffins
                          First Cleane & wash them put them all night into a Strong pickle of Salt & water then shift them into fresh pickle another night
                          when taken out boyl them moderately and for every dozen of puffins take one ounce & a quarter of black pepper or an ounce of white 3 quarters of a ounce of Ginger
                          a Quarter of an ounce of cloves as much mace & salt at discretion pound not your spices too small then rub them very well with ye Seasoning in their bellies in their necks & betwixt their Leggs
                          Strew a little seasoning between every lay when you put them into ye barrell wth a few bay leaves & a little rosemary betwixt every lay & in their bellies then fill up the barrell with halfe wtt wine halfe vineagar after ye barrell is headed.

                          unfortuneately it's for manx Puffins (ie Manx Shearwaters) and they are currently protected but if you come across enought then you now know the true 18th C technique


                          • LeMartinPecheur
                            Full Member
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 4717

                            Originally posted by Anna View Post
                            I must stop following Breakfast presenter's tweets. "Pavarotti sings the Duke of Mantua after 7.30. Plus Previn conducting Rachmaninov, and occasional Handel"
                            Is that like an occasional table? Produced from the garage to fill the gaps whilst entertaining?
                            Surely this must be to do with Handel's propensity for the occasional oratorio
                            I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


                            • doversoul1
                              Ex Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 7132

                              Originally posted by french frank View Post
                              I would say that the duty of a national broadcaster is to broadcast its appropriate (e.g. music) material to its (national) audience, not to thrust individual members of the public into the (auditory) limelight. Memories of their most recent holiday, their personal taste in music, or their need for sympathy or company, whatever it is they want to 'share' is equally irrelevant.

                              They have a duty to their whole audience and the private lives of strangers are the stuff of those local radio programmes which provide 'human interest' stories as an important aspect of their 'entertainment'. In this respect there is also a distinction between a tabloid newspaper and a quality 'broadsheet'.
                              I have a sinking feeling that these days, the boundary between private and public is disappearing fast, and ‘the private lives of strangers’ are beginning to be seen as ‘shared’ public interest. If this is the case, there is no reason, so they could argue, why Radio 3 should ignore this ‘public’ interest….


                              • antongould
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 8872

                                On this morning's interaction - a wake up call for a short but IMHO very nice organ piece by one Gabriel Jackson.

