Fabulous performance at the ROH tonight. Five stunning singers in the main roles, a huge orchestra playing for all they were worth under Maestro Bychkov, deliriously sumptuous music which at the conclusion of Act III gave one goose pimples and made the hair stand up on the back of the neck simultaneously.
The front row centre of the Amphitheatre is the place to be, despite the restricted legroom: it gives one a complete view of the orchestra the full rich sound of which rises up towards one through the House – and one can easily take in the surtitles as they're on the same level as the eye.
The front row centre of the Amphitheatre is the place to be, despite the restricted legroom: it gives one a complete view of the orchestra the full rich sound of which rises up towards one through the House – and one can easily take in the surtitles as they're on the same level as the eye.
