Opera ticket swap resources

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  • underthecountertenor
    Full Member
    • Apr 2011
    • 1587

    Opera ticket swap resources

    This is a slightly odd one, but I would be grateful for any help. I have tickets for one of the ROH Ring Cycles this autumn, but am now going to have difficulty making it to Gotterdammerung. Unsurprisingly, the Box Office has absolutely no returns for the other date that I could make. I was wondering if anyone knows of a forum or the like where people exchange or sell tickets. I'm aware of Ticketmaster's Get Me In and of Seatwave (neither of which has anything for me at the moment), but was wondering if there was anything a bit less formal.
    I appreciate that there may be nothing, but any help from you experienced opera-goers would be greatly appreciated.
  • Cavaradossi

    Informal yes and has worked for me several times if you are on Twitter. Just need to arrange to be able to meet to exchange tickets in advance.

    The box office will have some returns nearer to the start and will attempt to sell your remaining ticket for a £2 fee, which I think they would sell quite easily.

    Which Cycle are you trying to change?


    • underthecountertenor
      Full Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 1587

      Thanks cavaradossi - exactly what I was looking for. Now I simply have to try to make my Twitter account work properly (didn't have an incentive before).
      I'm going to cycle 2 (very good balcony seats - a bit of an extravagance, but there you go), but now have a clash which would mean me missing Act 1 of Gotterdammerung. Obviously I would only want to change to the Gotterdammerung of cycle 3, as I don't want to do it out of order. It just means that, if I give up my existing tickets (2) now, I'm playing Russian roulette with the hope of getting replacements.
      I suppose an alternative would be to see if tickets for the whole of cycle 3 (or possibly 1) come up, buy the lot and sell all my existing. At least I think I can be pretty sure that they will sell, given that it is absolutely sold out.


      • Cavaradossi

        If I hear of anything I will let you know.


        • underthecountertenor
          Full Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 1587

          Very many thanks, cava.

