A disappointment I am afraid . The production is aimless and bizarre , the designs incomprehensible ( no statue just some strange swinging metallic thing meant to be a hand pointing the don to hell. The quicker the ROH get David McVicar in to do a new one all the better .
Gerard Finley sang well but he was let down by much the support. The Don Ottavio sang beautifully , Karneus was a bit strained and overacted rather as Elvira but she was better than the Donna Anna who I found cold and leapt hopefully at her top notes in Non mi dir more in hope that expectation . Zerlina was rather mature and charmless , Masetto sang well but acted like a ham and Leporello was humourless . The conducting by Carydis was all over the place - very fast one moment slow the next but lacking in charm as well as menace - in fact just lacking .
Perhaps also someone can explain the Commendatore looking the spit of Riff Raff in Rocky Horror ! ???
The orchestra did their best but an over loud mandolin in the Serenade .
Not recommended .
Gerard Finley sang well but he was let down by much the support. The Don Ottavio sang beautifully , Karneus was a bit strained and overacted rather as Elvira but she was better than the Donna Anna who I found cold and leapt hopefully at her top notes in Non mi dir more in hope that expectation . Zerlina was rather mature and charmless , Masetto sang well but acted like a ham and Leporello was humourless . The conducting by Carydis was all over the place - very fast one moment slow the next but lacking in charm as well as menace - in fact just lacking .
Perhaps also someone can explain the Commendatore looking the spit of Riff Raff in Rocky Horror ! ???
The orchestra did their best but an over loud mandolin in the Serenade .
Not recommended .