Sad news. I suppose, though, that all things considered, 85 was not a bad age. Tremendous singer. A nice person, if given some dubious financial advice. Momentarily poptastic as other contributors have noted - and probably on more than one occasion. From memory, "Barcelona" was a biggish hit twice. A great name, literally. I always loved the sound of her name which sat alongside that of Freddie Mercury uncannily well. I would, by nature, side with the Puccini over Verdi and both over most of the bel canto repetoire. But it also seems apt to resurrect one of my chestnuts. Zarzuelas. There is still plenty of space on the Usandizaga thread for anyone minded to use it as a springboard for comment on such matters as intended.
The way this works for me:
Italians do it best - southern European opera; not zarzuelas, and who could disagree? - but the Spanish do it from a less obvious, hence interesting, angle including with zarzuelas.
The way this works for me:
Italians do it best - southern European opera; not zarzuelas, and who could disagree? - but the Spanish do it from a less obvious, hence interesting, angle including with zarzuelas.
